
  • jeweler
    Posts: 543

    I was looking at the Hummingbird 35(?) and the vexilar fl8. For the money which one would you recommend getting? Anybody use the hummingbird? How well does it work? What about fishing in 4′ of water? Either worth a hoot? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
    Thanks, Jeweler

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60012

    What is an 8 going for?

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12748

    I can not tell you anything about the Hummingbird but I fished with a Fl-8 for 10-12 years and it worked great – Never had a problem with it. I upgraded to a FL-18 for a few years and it was a good unit as well ( Not that much better than the 8 thought ) Just last week I picked up a Marcum LX-5. I have only had it out once so far so I can not really make a good judgement on it yet. So far it seems like a great unit. I’d go with the FL-8. It has a great track record. Good luck. Let us know what you decide and how it works for you

    Posts: 5

    go with the 8 I have had one for years and when it finally quit working i brought to vexilar in bloomington and had it repaired for a few bucks

    Posts: 543

    How well do the 8’s work in shallow water? Half of the places I fish is 4′ or less but other places are 10’+ deep. Anybody have any experience with this? Cabelas is selling the 8 for 320.

    Joe Scegura
    Alexandria MN
    Posts: 2758

    I had an FL-8 for about 12 years and then I had an FL-18 for about 6 years. They did the job and I had no issues but I recently upgraded to the Marcum LX-5. I haven’t used it a ton but it seems much clearer than my Vexilars were. If you’re looking at spending $320 for an FL-8, I’d recommend a Marcum LX-3 or I’d sell you my used FL-18 for that. I’m sure you’ll be happy with anyone you choose, but for the short time I’ve used my Marcum I think it’s a better product. Good luck.

    Nathan Reed
    Grand Rapids
    Posts: 16

    If most of your fishing is done in less than 4′ with weeds. The FL8 will be basically useless. I’d highly recommend a LX-3. Superior flasher and way more bang for you buck.

    Buffalo MN
    Posts: 93

    If the majority of your fishing is done in the shallows, I would recomend the vexilar then. Take a step up and get either the 12, 18, or 20 with the low power mode for fishing in weeds. This really helps being able to “see” through the weeds to the fish. If you get a vex too, make sure you get either the dual beam ducer or the 20 degree. This will make fishing the the shallow stuff a lot easier.

    I’ve heard of a few reports from guys that use the birds and they say it’s an ok unit. The target seperation is alright, but he commented on how the screen doesn’t seem very sharp. It may be the 6 color sequence but they tend to blend…

    Dave Koonce
    Prairie du Chien Wi.
    Posts: 6946

    I actually switched from the Vexilar to the Marcum just for the shallow water …I have not been able to use the Vexilars newer units..but the FL18 I had…did not compare to what I can do with the Marcum LX-5 in 4 feet of water fishing the back waters of the Mississippi…

    Milford IA
    Posts: 2178


    I actually switched from the Vexilar to the Marcum just for the shallow water …I have not been able to use the Vexilars newer units..but the FL18 I had…did not compare to what I can do with the Marcum LX-5 in 4 feet of water fishing the back waters of the Mississippi…

    While I fish different waters same holds true for me to, in fact my wife made me giver her my old LX-5 and told me to sell her Vex FL-18 so she could fish in these shallow weedy situations. Worked out well for me she’s happy with my old LX-5 and I got to get a new one.

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