Ice auger rust?

  • walleyechaser80
    Rochester, MN 55901
    Posts: 15

    i pulled my hand augar out of the closet, and the blades were quite rusted, is there anything i can do to treat them, or should i just buy new ones?

    Rochester, Mn
    Posts: 5967

    steel wool has done the job for me in the past,be VERY careful around the edge of the blades

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926


    be VERY careful around the edge of the blades

    Boy, you can’t stress this enough. I’ll withhold names to protect the innocent but I can still see the blood flowing from the hand of an unlucky IDO staffer that had an ugly run-in with a auger blade that left his hand gashed and bleeding for the duration of a long weekend out on the ice. If you had access to a pair of heavy leather gloves I’d wear them while doing the touch up work.

    Long Prairie,MN
    Posts: 402

    a new set of blades may be cheaper than a run to the hospital for stitch’s.

    Frederic wi
    Posts: 395

    use a Scotch brite pad and u might want a good pair of gloves on your hands 2!!

    Good luck and be safe

    Two Harbors, MN
    Posts: 3907

    Disreguard, didnt see it was a hand auger… Ill blame my ADD.

    jiffy or strike master?

    if they are the jiffy they are chipper and just sharpen with a file keeping the same angle, some strikemaster had chippers too. If they are shavers they might need replaced if the rust damaged the cutting edge.


    Residing in St. Paul, MN doing weekly travel throughout the five state Upper Midwest
    Posts: 976


    i pulled my hand augar out of the closet, and the blades were quite rusted, is there anything i can do to treat them, or should i just buy new ones?

    Are you kidding me?
    It’s not a collector firearm?
    Go drill some holes, and some more holes.
    If they were sharp, then they still are are.
    Off season raises heck with a lot of things.
    If we weren’t sitting here waiting for decent ice you would never have asked that question!
    Sorry dude
    Good luck

    Waukon, Iowa
    Posts: 59

    If you do decide to clean them I would suggest using a fillet glove for protection.
    Otherwise I would just use it. The rust will come off after a few times.

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