Help us decide where to icefish

  • FishingFool
    Posts: 54

    Hi,my brother and I are trying to figure out where to make a 3 day ice fishing excursion later this month.We are looking at a guided trip to either Devils Lake or LOTW.We are after perch and walleye but are game for almost anything that bites.Please list websites,if available…THANKS for any help!!! Paul

    Ramsey, MN
    Posts: 4074

    Wigwam Resort is a site sponsor and has great fishing in December right out from their resort on LOTW. The fishing on LOTW was great this summer, so I’m sure the ice fishing will be just as good.

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 4143

    Devils Lake Tourism

    Here is a link to Devils Lake tourism. All the hotels and resorts are listed. Remember you can take Amtrak right into DL and the guides/resorts will pick you up.


    Stoddard WI
    Posts: 73

    I worked at zippel bay for a couple of years tell nick or deanna johnnie sent ya thay will make it a trip you want ever forget LOW is the best they have a real nice place and good mid week rate s for a little less cash , good luck also if you are heading up that way give pat foster a call he can put you on fish on reed lake have fun fish hard water

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