Great pre-season price on Marcum LX5s

  • jhalfen
    Posts: 4179

    I was in Scheels in Eau Claire today and started chatting with fishing manager and IDO member Dwight Schussman. Dwight has a great pre-season deal going on his stock of Marcum LX5s: $399, while supplies last. As I understand it, he has between 10 and 15 available at this price…but when they’re gone, they’re gone and so is that price!

    If you poke around on the web, you’ll find out that Dwight’s price is pretty special. Don’t let this weekend’s warmth fool you; hard water is right around the corner.

    Posts: 1719

    Got one at Iowa City store last month.Great deal.Look at it ever morning on closet floor.If we don’t have ice by 2nd weekend in Dec.{deer season 1st weekend},loading it up and heading north

    west central Minnesotsa
    Posts: 921

    Is that the Eau Claire store only or does it apply to Scheels in general?

    bob schroden
    Cold Spring, MN
    Posts: 281

    St. Cloud Scheels has them also for $399.99
    That is $100 more than they were selling them late last winter.
    They must be trying to move out old discontinued inventory.

    Blaine , Mn
    Posts: 401

    The new retail on LX-5’s is only 449 this year.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18985

    Tee hee. That sure makes the late winter deal many of us took advantage of this year that much sweeter.

    Fountain City, WI
    Posts: 80

    I just bought an LX3tc for 249 at fleetfarm about 2 weeks ago.

    Posts: 918


    Tee hee. That sure makes the late winter deal many of us took advantage of this year that much sweeter.

    “Tee hee”…. when did my little brother get on this site? Nice. Yeah, hate to rub it in, but im so happy I got my lx-5 for only $300. Thanks again to the Ido guys who put us on that deal. Now we just need this warm weather to go away.

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