Team Wild Portable ice shack

  • woody_036
    Spooner, Wi
    Posts: 198

    I am currently looking to purchase a new portable ice shack. I have a Otter Perch shack now and it was marketed as a large one man shack. It is fairly roomy (for one guy)and i made my own bench seat for it so two people could fish out of it. However, looking ahead to this winter I will be making multiple trips to Northern MN and I would like a shack that is a true two person shack with more room.

    I really like my Otter sled and it has been very durable over the past 4 years. I really like the deep sled and the square aluminum tubing, the shack sets up and colapses very nicely. I have been compairing the Otter Ice Cabin (2 person) and the Team Wild W2 (2 person). I don’t know much about Team Wild, but it looks like they are some spin off of Otter. Both of these two shacks appear almost idenical exept that the otter comes with seats compaired to the bench seat in the Wild sled. Price is what caught my eye with the Team Wild setup, $400 is much more in my price range compaired to $600 for the Otter.

    Does anyone out here have a team Wild shack and how do you like it? Saving $200 on almost the same shack would be nice.

    Are their any other shacks (Frabill, Clam, Eskimo) that I should concider? My opinion can be swayed

    Thanks for the help.

    Iowa City, Iowa
    Posts: 3037

    I just recently set up a team wild one man- it is a great shack at a great price point. I also used one for a few days out in south dakota- I think you will be well pleased with a new wild!

    Two Harbors, MN
    Posts: 3913

    The cabin is a tight 2 person fit. The lodge is the way to go.
    I bought the cabin on CL for $275 *(with seats) new unused only catch was there was a mouse hole the size of a quarter in the door. Added hyfax, hitch and cover used it for a season. Bought a mint cond. lodge for $350 with seats and hitch on CL and sold my cabin for $300.
    Deals are there just wait for em’. Both were pre season purchases when you would expect to see things going top dollar.
    If Im correct wild has diff sled and tarp from otter but yes both made by same company.
    I just think that you would like the true 2 man better, espicially for walleyes to get the lines spaced more for less tangles. Wether it me otter or wild. Best luck just thought id give ya what ive found on pricing.

    crawford county WI
    Posts: 819

    Check out cabela’s they made one from otter but with their name on it last year they had them on sale for 399.00 regular I believe was 549 or 599.00 has a deep boat unlike some other brands has the square tubing and plastic movable bucket seats great for when you want to fish b yourself lots of room.

    Posts: 15

    The Team Wild shacks are not the same as the regular otters. The team wild shacks are a lighter fabric than the regular otters. Also the square tubing on the regular otter has plastic inserts in the end to allow for very smooth sliding vs aluminum on aluminum in the team wild. Also the sleds are a little lighter on the team wild…although still much heavier and deeper than most other brands. I ended up going with the team wild 2 man last year because I got it for $300. I have been very happy with it but it is not quite the quality of the regular otters. I do however believe that the quality is as good if not better than the regular fish traps and frabils

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