Operation Turn Bobber Red

  • Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    I’m not feeling the love.

    DeSoto, WI
    Posts: 913

    Thanks for turning the bobber red Bk

    July 1 baby!
    5 months and we’ll be tip toeing

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    A true catch 22.

    I have to respond to the pro ice posts, but can’t do it without supporting the cause.

    Sparta, WI
    Posts: 9361

    Summer, summer, summer you don’t treat me no good no more

    DeSoto, WI
    Posts: 913

    Whatta ya think Clark? 4 months and 4 days or 4 months and 5 days? (Dec 3rd or Dec 4th) I’m think’n Dec 4th with all those 4’s

    Sparta, WI
    Posts: 9361

    I know we haven’t seen Indian Summer yet but, it has felt like fall in the air going on 5 days now

    I even had a chill down the spine canoeing across the Petenwell this weekend

    It won’t be long and this forum will be full of red bobbers

    United States
    Posts: 7

    Here in Nebraska as we slide to late sep oct and nov. If the wind is right, I fish with my ice rods and flasher over the side of my canoe. Still I want ice.


    Eastern MT
    Posts: 57

    Well guys, I’m currently in Montana and worked in 6″ of snow today!

    A little over 1 month and the water will be hard in the UP!

    Sparta, WI
    Posts: 9361

    Lucky dog…snow you say

    I might be jiggin’ on ice during Thanks Giving around Drummond, WI for Pike N Eye’s…the fingers are crossed

    DeSoto, WI
    Posts: 913

    I can smell NOVEMBER now boys! That wind with a northern origin contains settle hints. The Ocotober shades of yellow, orange, & red dotting the bluffs is beginning to take on a predominent brownish appearance as the trees have all but been stripped clean of foilage. Ground rats are working overtime stowing what reamins for the nut harvest. Blue Jay, Cardinals, & Chickadee’s once again rule the air with Eagles beginning to group a patrol the skies.

    Ah yes….a month traditionally marked by buck hunting & Thanksgiving to common cheeseheads as true bucketeers sit patiently biding time. They know we’re close. Last minute preparations are a thing of a recent weeks. Reels have been greased & spooled with fresh ICE line. Favorite ICE jigs have been tied not once but twice ensuring knot security. Flasher & camera batteries have been charged & recharged for good measure. Fuel tanks have been topped and blades brought to a little AC/DC’s “Razor’s Edge”. Portables have been deployed and inspected with a magnifying glass for any such hints of fabric failure. We’re close gents ~ nearing the “as close as you can get without touching” close. Very soon it will be our turn. So as we enter the moon where the last of the boats head for the docks join me in a big ole

    We’ll be walking on water soon enough!

    Sparta, WI
    Posts: 9361

    Like a lizard on the feed my tongue flickers tasting the sweet flavor of the arriving winter
    With a new toy ordered, the Showdown troller on it’s way to Sparta, and the new Otter shivering in the corner of the shop waiting for it’s chance to leap into action as duty calls, I just can’t stand it anymore…. running the StrikeMaster LazerMag and sniffing the sweet smell of 2-cycle, plus watching the demo mode on the LX-5 while sorting through CJ&S tackle just aint cutting it anymore. I’m in need of a FIX man

    These cold nights and mornings along with a few flurry’s of snow to the face yesterday have me wound tighter than the core of a golf ball. Bring it on man. It’s time to let the hard water games begin

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