Otter II fish house

  • Jami Ritter
    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 3066

    Well I finally broke down and bought a otter house last night, got sick of sitting on a bucket. I couldn’t see springing for $90 a seat though. I have almost the identical seats sitting in my basement brand new (was going to put them in my duck boat). Any ideas how I can fabricate or rig a bracket that will work for the sled??

    Minneapolis, MN
    Posts: 1451

    Like Chris said I would call Otter. They may be able just sell you the bracket and not the seat. Look at the model #2540. With the seat it would be $69.95.

    Posts: 34

    I used to work at a hunting/fishing type store and if I remember correctly, the base they use to fit over the edges of the sled for the seat is pretty basic. They use plastic, but what it looks like is a 2×8 or 2×10 board with 2×2’s channels at either end that fit over the the edge of the sled. It would be simple to make and cost you less than $10. You could also then get 3/4″ pin pedistal base and mount for the seat, but that would add about $20. Of course then you already have the hardware you’ll need for your boat. The board would be mounted across the sled and just drop in over the edge of the sled. You’d need one board for each seat. You could try and mount something lengwise, but at least on my Otter II sled, the front is higher than the back. I think you’d have to permanent mount a board set up that went lengthwise then and I don’t know if I’d want something permanent mounted. Just a couple thoughts. Bret

    Prior Lake
    Posts: 79

    I made a couple out of 2×2’s and some thin channel bracket that fit the edges of the sled. Then cut a square seat and covered with some carpet pad, then heavy plastic to keep the padding dry, then finally some canvas from wal-mart. 2 seats, less than 10 bucks and about 1 hour to assemble.

    Winona, Minnesota
    Posts: 1073

    A possible option would be to buy the $5 fold out camping type seats that gander or most places have. You can get them with or without arms and are really comfortable. They fold down with ease, and have been the ticket for us!
    Good Luck

    Jami Ritter
    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 3066

    Thanks for all the info guys. I think I am going to give the camping chairs a try tomorrow. Have a couple of them up in the rafters and never gave it a thought.

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