Took the weekend off and headed up north for the four “F’s”: Friends, food, fishing, and fornication. We didn’t get to the last F, but it’s on the list anyways. Started out on Winni on Friday and blazed a new trail out of the third river flowage, first stop was shallow just off Mallard. This ended up being the best area for us as we were able to pick up a keeper or two out of each hole. With a large crew you need to have several drillers making swiss cheese over a large area. Travel was not tough as long as you were not stopping in a big drift. We moved out deeper and could see a big bunch of trucks out on Zoomers, so one truck journeyed out there and didn’t have much luck. We picked up a few more between the flats where the “channel” kind of makes a highway between the flats. Then we went back shallow and picked up a few more. Because this was our first day, we were a bit more selective with the size and kept about 45 for 6 guys, we didn’t see what the other 4 picked up.
Day two, Saturday, temps warming up and a change of plans due to a week old fishing story. We headed down to Leech and went out of North Star resort. Leech did not have as much snow so getting around was no problem and the snow was going fast. We started out with just a couple for the entire crew, so we went searching for new territory. Our first stop was not quite where we wanted to end up, but on the H2O chip looked pretty good. Yep it was! The rest of the crew made their way over and we set up camp. Shout goes out to Geno who brought the pig wings, man those were awesome! The picture with the pop bottle had a couple of the heavy weights in our bucket, and the other guys buckets were simular. We cleaned 65 that evening. Day Three, back to Leech, same story, but only four of us so we moved a bit more. Fish were found deeper by a couple of feet and by 2pm had shut dowm. We went around and fished other group’s holes and could pick a few up here and there, then at sunset they just went into overdrive. Good way to end the day and good way to end the trip. Cleaned 63 that evening and the heavys for the day are smiling by the vodka bottle. The big one was about 11 3/4ths but it was by far the tallest girth wise, ended up 1 1/2 lbs. Thanks for the great friends, awesome food, excellent fishing, and not fullfilling that last “F”.