frabill panfish popper?

  • jwall
    Posts: 50

    Have any of you guys used the panfish popper or am i better of just getting the three pack of springs for my berkley XLE ultralight combo

    DeSoto, WI
    Posts: 913

    I have a 24″ Frabill popper rod given to me as a x-mas gift. Don’t care for it. Not enough backbone for my liking. Love the spring bobbers though. Have a couple 30″ medium light rods with the popper set up. Works great for jigging cecils in 10+ feet of water.

    Sussex WI
    Posts: 14

    I use the panfish popper and i love it wont buy anything else!!!!

    Posts: 285

    Love mine except the spring bobber freezes up outside the house.

    Kieler, Wis
    Posts: 664

    I think you would be happy with the st. croix spring and adapter. I believe they come in 4 sizes. The best attribute of the springs is you can adjust the tension or bounce of the spring by moving it back or foward in the adapter. just another option for you, dan

    Posts: 3835

    I have a light and an ULight and they are great rods. I don’t use the spring bobber at all for those. Mostly deep water fishing with them. You can feel a perch bite in 75 feet of water with one.

    Posts: 50

    Thanks for responding guys I might have to buy one……

    Posts: 17

    Not a bad rod, but I am not a fan of the spring bobber. It doesn’t feed line fast enough and is prone to getting line looped and caught in the spring itself. I have a 24″ UL, be very careful with the tips or you’ll end up with a 22″ L!?!

    Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559

    Thorne Bros. make a nice coil spring that is a world better than a frbil. If you are going to spen money, have an inverted guide fitted with a grommet put on a rod you have and use a St.Croix spring….never an icing issue as with ALL coil springs when its cold, cold and you are fishing open ice.

    Hartley, IA
    Posts: 88

    Nice little rod for the money…I have 2, but had to doctor 1 up when the tip broke. I prefer a different spring bobber though, because the spring type on the popper freezes up too easily.

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