What an adventure and stories to tell after spending Saturday 2/07/09 on pool 7 with my man Blue
I received a PM asking if I’d be interested in spending the day rumbling along in a scratcher….da…no brainer here …I’m in
Fishing was tough in areas we both thought had to be holding pannies With that said…..
Blue did spank me on some perch
I would have loved to landed one of them 3-4 inchers on my new long rod but it didn’t happen….I’ve got some learning to do with that stick.
Without exaggerating fishing sucked but….the time spent exploring an area that is just becoming familiar to me in the summer, well…..it was way cool to see the area froze over
Way cool how the backwaters change from season to season, year to year
……Thanks Blue for the adventure, it was a great work out and awesome addition to the story book
PS: We did learn a scratcher can do one heck of a chity on ice and we didn’t even get hurt…..
Another Thanks my Friend
Here are the pics I took. The two videos takin’ for some reason turned out black with sound only