Favorite Jigs

  • gonefishing
    Lacrosse Wi
    Posts: 495

    My buddy and I were fishing the other day and it was a little slow so we were eating, and drinking and shooting the bull and he suggested we put on a thread to see how many people would share their favorite crappie and bluegill jigs. If this picture works now, my crappie favorite is a chartreuse and white moonglow with waxie and my favorite for gills, I don’t even know what it’s called have had it for about 10 years and it looks like it. I call it a tear drop it’s supposed to be bright orange with black eyes. Anyone want to share their favorites? Might be fun!

    Nashua Iowa
    Posts: 754

    Glow rainbow trout 1/16 oz buckshot rattle spoon with a waxy for either gills or crappies early and late ice and minnie merts with spikes in the midwinter slow down.

    Posts: 168

    My favorite ice jig is the one there biting on . All bsing aside… Lil cecils and purist are taking most of my crappies. The big cecil has came to life also. Most the time the color is pink but purple comes in a close 2nd. Bluegills not for sure dont fish for them. Good luck!

    Winona,MN/La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 3667

    finesse bite-Diamond Jig with a waxie or lindy spade tail.
    Reaction bite- Swedish pimple, forage minnow, or frostee jigging spoon in the 1/10th size tipped with a waxie.
    I don’t really change baits a lot and I’m not a huge believer in color. There’s bright and dull, small and large..That’s about it (at least on the river)..If they are not in the mood for the above I get creative and start trying other, even more natural

    La Crosse Wisconsin
    Posts: 209

    gill pill and a spike

    s/w WI.
    Posts: 1404

    My favorites change from year to year but I always try a ornage or green moon glow,ratso and shrimpos, this year I added the Lil Cecil, still trying to get THE JIG to work. I have any number of jigs I have yet to try because by the time I run through the regulars I get some sucess. I use waxworms first then go to spikes and this year I found some mousies. 40 years ago they were the bait to use. I have also added 2 1/16 oz rattle spoons.

    Rochester, Mn
    Posts: 5967

    Customized gold diamong jig/waxie,spike or mousies

    Albertville MN
    Posts: 2019

    THis guy here has been unreal this year. Now if the pike would quit snapping them off

    Gills and pies see that orange belly on the drop,…..stare at it and I make them chase it. I’ve never seen one particular jig make such a difference. Ask Calvin He needs to order too

    Albertville MN
    Posts: 2019

    Calvin, post that pike I got on it

    Posts: 698

    If the eyes are painted shut, I won’t buy them.

    Chetek, WI
    Posts: 34

    I’ve been enjoying success with Custom Jigs’ Gill Pill (Fire Tiger size 14) and Ratso (Glow head with a pink plastic)!

    Albertville MN
    Posts: 2019


    If the eyes are painted shut, I won’t buy them.

    Posts: 5660

    We destroy the huge slabs up here on Ratso’s and Shrimpos if sticking artificial. Diamond jigs in a multitude of colors globbed with spikes is my other favorite. I’m not a one spike two spike guy. I put 5-7 on. Usually mush up a few and then properly hook a couple between they eyes. FYI lightly squeeze the spike and then carefully slide the hook through the skin by the head. Those little spikes will move like crazy, and in combination with the mangled ones for added scent are awesome. Diamond Jigs are key to our search and destroy missions in which we move and groove like it were an Olympic event. Searching with electronics in 12-20 feet of water. It is imperative to have a small presentation that fishes heavy, and can be fished through possibly a little slush if needed to make the quick drop on the big red blobs!! Lastly knowing hooking a true 2lb slab is always a possibility it is important those hooks are strong and sharp . No bend outs for me or I get cranky!!

    White Bear Twp
    Posts: 997

    1/16 Forage minnow loaded with spikes. Redfish in darker water is awsome!

    Iowa City, Iowa
    Posts: 3037

    Gill pills- diamond jigs- shrimpos and ratsos are my favorite panfish jigs-

    Matt, if you like that color, wait til you see my chameleon orange gill pill! It is an 11″ gill killer!

    Want a couple…

    Albertville MN
    Posts: 2019

    yes and a few of the above that we’ve come to know as the zebra muscle

    Posts: 660

    Was a genz glow jig with a ratso body but the guys on here got me to try a diamond jig and that is now my favorite.

    Glow Sonar for Eyes and cats .

    Posts: 5660

    I was a Genz bug guy also until last year march we we’re chasing BIG BIG slabs!! I mean it was 12, 13.5, 14… And then BAM 15.5!! Well anyway I was really stoked about clippng a 15 that day. My buddy got one, and then my other buddy got one… Bam…. SLack lined hook set and BIG BIG SLAB coming up up up and off!! RUKIDDINGME Genz bug comes up and BENT OUT!! I cut it off and quickly tied up a different one. That late afternoon again Bam!! Worke that fish and worked that fish until she finally inhaled it. BENT OUT THE HOOK AGAIN!! That makes me cranky NEVER AGAIN!! Some anglers will continue to make the same mistake. Only 2 strikes for me and YOUR OUT!! Thanks Custom Jigs and SPins for remembering what a 15 inch crappie can do to a little hook!!

    Lacrosse Wi
    Posts: 495

    Looks like 2/3rds of the people like the Ratsos, Shrimpos, Diamond, or Gill Pill. The diamond was most popular with 6 but the Gill Pill and Ratso each had 5 an dthe shrimpos had 4 so I would say any of those 4 should get one started. Thanks for participating was interesting.

    Central MN
    Posts: 3817

    Put me down for this guy also!! #10 Gill Pill in White/Black. This one has been on fire since late ice last year. Still haven’t changed yet this year although as Matt said, I was down to one earlier this year, that got a little scary.

    Cedar Falls, IA
    Posts: 205

    I will second that Scott!!!

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13396

    Are you guys able to find the Zebra muscle gil pile at any stores locally?

    Albertville MN
    Posts: 2019

    To be honest I’ve not seen them in any stores quite yet. I’m sure that will be changing

    Posts: 15

    Who carrys the gill pills….I havent seen em anywhere other than the net?

    crawford county WI
    Posts: 819

    I checked online for the two color gill pills chameleon orange gill pill and the zebra mussle didn’t see anything ?

    Posts: 1291

    Shrimpos when using no bait.

    Moon glow style when using a waxie or spike.Close 2nd would be a RatFinke.

    A few years back,JB Sparkle Darts were the rage.

    Iowa City, IA
    Posts: 36

    I like the ratso’s and diamond’s in glow red or pink and white.
    Question, how do you combat the line twists? I am thinking of using some barrel swivels about 12″ up, but any feedback would be helpful.

    Central MN
    Posts: 3817


    Who carrys the gill pills….I havent seen em anywhere other than the net?

    In St Cloud most places were sold out other than Gander Mountain. Just order them online, that is what I do. In a couple days you have them at your door, plus you get to pick from all the colors

    Iowa City, Iowa
    Posts: 3037

    The zebra muscle color that they are referring to is this color, I believe…

    The chameleon color orange, is one that you will need to call CJS and personally ask for-

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