I had a friend Down this weekend from up North to do some Fishing and Poker playing. The bite on both Sat. and Sun was rather tough. Marked lots of fish in almost every hole we fished. The fish would race up off the bottom to meet the falling Jig and then would just sit on it and not bite. They would follow it up and down and still not bite. I have never had fish react this aggressive to the bait without biteing it. I changed lure sizes and colors several time and still struggled to get them to bite. We did end up with a decent amount of fish for him to take home but really had to work for them. it seemed like if you could get one to bite you could catch a few and then they would stop biting again. A Diamond jig in red glow seem to work the best. I also tried several sizes and colors of the Gill Pill but ended up going back to the Red Glow diamond jig. This was the senond weekend in a row they acted this way. Did anyone else run into this lately? If so were you able to figure out something to get more to bite? I did notice that most of the fish caught looked rather well fed. That may explain some of it.
Tough pan fish bite – Prior Lake
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