Tip up bite

  • mountain man
    Coon Valley, WI.
    Posts: 1419

    No Herb it’s not okay, because in your case it gives you an unfair advantage.

    Onalaska, Wi
    Posts: 1193

    Well said Lawrence. I too curled my nose at the Zebco comment. But, didn’t take it to heart. How about the ol Zebco 202? That was my second rod behind the cane pole from my gramps.

    It is always important to keep as neutral as you can when expressing opinions that can be inflammatory. Calling names and making harsh generalizations will shut the ears of many and open the mouths of the rest.

    LaCrosse, WI
    Posts: 3

    Atta boy Watson,I agree with you 100% about people with attitudes that try to take away from someone else’s experiances. In the LaCrosse area we have a run of young anglers who have become brainwashed and arrogant without knowing the consequences of their misguilded mouth working without putting thought and compassion in for the average fisherman.Taking a limit of fish of whatever size is each fisherman’ choice and should be respected.If you read alot of these posts,many people on this website fish every day and guess what,they keep afew fish. Well if you take 30 days times 10 fish you have 300 fish.So who’ hurting what?As for “TROPHY” fish, many people ‘young and old’ see fish just as they are, just fish.Only people can make individual jugdements to such.When I grew up ,they just big fish,so what.We caught alot of them back then just as now.Bass populations are at a all time high on the MISS.,thanks to the 1990 size limit.My first reel was a 202 zebco,then a 606 zebco, then a 33 so I take offense to Cade’s remarks also.If he is to become a role model he has a ways to go but we’ll give him time.I have fished bass tournaments also and I must say we bass fisherman probaly kill as many bass as anyone with our constant pressure on them every day of open water casting cranks at every inch of shoreline and bouncing them around in our livewells for miles.All told we have to live wih ourselves and respect other fisherman.We do not own the resource exclusively to our selves,at the rate we are going we will end up with QFM and that is a whole nother topic

    DeSoto, WI
    Posts: 913

    Take a trip down to Genoa (L&D # 8) about mid to late April. The western shoreline will be dotted with fishermen. It don’t take an eagle eye to see select individuals from a certain ethnic group “throwing” a hook, line, & sinker as far out as the ole arm and wind will allow. Then slowly wrap the line around a pop can, that’s right, A POP CAN, for a retrieve.

    Now I’m thinking these individuals would be in 7th heaven with a snoppy pole let alone the infamous 202 or 33. Believe it or not, I’ve seen with my own two eyes. A hook set and hand over hand – slowly escourt fish to shore. Everything from Whites, Smallies, LMB, Walleye, Carp, Sheeps, & Cats. Haven’t seen anybody with a Nolan Ryan arm and be able to throw a line far enough to reach the drop into 18 fow to catch a saug from the shore…

    S.W. WI
    Posts: 113

    I fish right with them Bosman, and they dont practice selective harvest. Its there right to keep the big girls if they want,but when they keep snagged or undersize fish I give them a scold. all in all they dont break the law to often, but when they start those smokey fires I get a little ticked.

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