Has anyone fished in this area recently. I’m heading up there the first weekend of Feb. to try to get into some perch & northerns. Any report would be great!

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I havent been up in the winter, but We go up every August. There is a small lake right west of the “town” of Lily. We caught a ton of perch out of there in August, most in the 9-11 inch range. The 4h club had set up a ramp and charged 5 bucks or something like that as a fundraiser, but I heard later in the year they had closed the lake off to the public. Might be worth checking into.
Thanks Nick we’ll have to give it a try. How big/deep is this lake? Do you go through Lily to the West and hit a T intersection and the lake is right there? Gonna fish brushy tomorrow. You gonna be around?
I’m going on Friday I’ll give a full report. On Tueday the 20th.
Heading out there next weekend. The lake that you guys are talking about is Jessie Slough. I fished out there the lake was closed. Caught alot of walleyes but very few perch. The next day the land owner closed the lake. I have heard that the fishing is going pretty good out there now.
Going to hit Waubay, Enmy Swim, and a few others next weekend.
I’ll give a report when I get back.
For local lake info call the Sportsmans Cove at 605-345-2468. It is a recored message that gives info on ice, weather conditions and what lakes are the hottest.
Just got back from Webster. Sportsman cove was very helpful
on getting us on fish. Pickeral and Wabay were the two lakes I targeted. We tried to get on some of the other small lakes, it was just too hard pulling the wheel house. I would recommed snowmobiles and traps if you want to move around. Pickerel for Crappies all the 10″ you want with a few bonus 12″ The North end of Wabay for walleyes Try School bus point 22′ of water. Call Sportsman Cove for details on other lakes. Be prepared for lots of drifts and blowing. I brought my snow blower I had to use it last night just to pass one spot on a county road east of Enemy Swim.
You’ll have to look at the SD regs I thought I read 60 crappies. I only keep what I can eat in 1 meal.
Here is a fishing handbook. You can also pick them up free at most gas stations in SD.
Looks to be 10 daily/50 possession in NE SD. Crappies, Perch, Gills.
Just go back from Waubay on Sunday the only fishing we could do was on Pickerl Lake. There is to much snow on the lakes. The problem is access, the drifts to get on the lakes are so deep. We had 18 of us from Milwaukee,Hixton,LacRosse and Boscobel Wisconsin. We did hold our own fishing. The day we left it was -47 below zero and set a record (not wind chill)I would call out and see the conductions before I went. waubay Lake was closed, St. Pixus no accesss, Emey Swim no Access. We stayed in Grenville at the Roost. The information that was given us was right on! Iffy at best!
We are planning on heading out the first week in Feb and staying at the Roost….What do you mean by Waubay was closed??? We were not planning on bringing sleds….can you still get around with trucks on Waubay and Pickerel?? The reports I’ve heard from the recorded Sportsmans cove say you can still get around but its tricky.
I was on Pickerel fishing next thoes boys from the Wisconsin, Looked like you circled the wagons and were waiting for an attack. Regarding the reports. Driving on the lakes suck. Do your self a favor and bring your sleds and traps. Sportsmans was opening up a few lakes for guys to get out. But there is no one plowing roads by any means.
Most of the lakes in that region have tons of snow. The only way to get a round is with a snowmobile. Also if and when you are going you might want to bring an extention for your auger. Here is another website for the reports and conditions us there. http://www.dakotaangler.com
Hopefully this helps you out.
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