Some say the bite is good right now and other’s call it the infamous Lake Menomin title of ‘The Dead Sea’.
As of late I have found a mixed result of both. Lately I haven’t been able to make out until about 30min before sunset and have had ‘ok’ luck at dusk but have been very unsuccessful after sunset. Traditionally speaking I would concentrate on an area, pepper it w/ holes, and get out the flasher. Just looking at the lake you will see the heavily hit areas full of permanent shacks which should give you a good starting point but don’t be afraid of venturing off some.
Keep in mind I have basically only been targeting pannies thus far. I did talk to a guy and saw a picture of a rumored 28″ eye pulled out last week, not sure how credible the source is however.
Hope this helps some and Good Luck, Report back on how yah do!