Bluegill size on the Mississippi river………

  • jeff_jensen
    cassville ,wis
    Posts: 3051

    From 2002-2007 our group was in the middle of, what I considered, a great gill bite with many fish in the nine inch range and a handful of 10″plus gills. You know, the gills that make you say “whoa, holy sh !!” when you lay them in your hand

    The last two seasons however we have noticed a significant drop, not in numbers but size. This has been on our home turf of pools 10 and 11.

    Have you river rat hard water fanatics noticed the same up and down the system?

    Have heard many different theories, floods, oxygen levels, bad spawning classes etc, etc.

    Don’t get me wrong, the numbers are still outstanding IMO and there are still good solid eaters to be had, just not the bruisers of yesteryear

    Anyone noticing the same thing and if so, any theories or ideas?

    These two pics are perfect examples of the solid year class of gills still prevalent on the river today. Any gill in that 8-8 1|2″ range to me is still worth chasing. The last pic is the largest taken last season. This released fish was pushing that magical 10″ mark. These are really tough to find right now

    Very interested in hearing thoughts, especially in other pools surrounding 10 and 11

    Dave Koonce
    Prairie du Chien Wi.
    Posts: 6946

    That is a great question Jeff,

    I have noticed the exact same thing in my area over the past 3 years…

    I am interested in what some of the thoughts are…

    Kieler, Wis
    Posts: 664

    You have brought up a very good point Jeff. This is just my opinion so here goes. I think with the advancement in technology and the increasingly popularity of ice fishing its going to become harder to find those big gills on pool 10 or 11. I’m not saying over harvesting is the problem but angler pressure instead. I’m only 35 but i can remember going to certain spots and there being only 10 guys there. Now some of those good holes have 75 guys there. everybody has the right to fish and keep fish ,I just wish they would lower the limit totals to 15 of any panfish. I know you could never enforce a minimum size on gills but that would nice. say 7 1/2″ for a gill and 10″ for crappies. Also this years flood really had a negative effect on the weedbeds. We saw first hand the absence of weeds where usually its weeds for as far as you could see. Maybe some cuts and sloughs have filled in. I would also love to hear opinions from others on the subject. dan

    cassville ,wis
    Posts: 3051


    You have brought up a very good point Jeff. This is just my opinion so here goes. I think with the advancement in technology and the increasingly popularity of ice fishing its going to become harder to find those big gills on pool 10 or 11. I’m not saying over harvesting is the problem but angler pressure instead. I’m only 35 but i can remember going to certain spots and there being only 10 guys there. Now some of those good holes have 75 guys there. everybody has the right to fish and keep fish ,I just wish they would lower the limit totals to 15 of any panfish. I know you could never enforce a minimum size on gills but that would nice. say 7 1/2″ for a gill and 10″ for crappies. Also this years flood really had a negative effect on the weedbeds. We saw first hand the absence of weeds where usually its weeds for as far as you could see. Maybe some cuts and sloughs have filled in. I would also love to hear opinions from others on the subject. dan

    Why ain’t you fishing ya big loafer?

    Sort of agree with you on the amount of increased pressure Dan, but I can’t help but look back on the golden years and seeing mobs of fisherman putting the smackdown on the slobs. Thinking the next season would be worse in that area only to see the same big gills being pounded again. This lasted for five years, you no doubt know the area I’m talking about too.

    Limits and size slots? Now you’re opening a whole other can of waxworms

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18987

    I have noticed that in the past on many bodies of water and always attribute to cycles of overharvesting by fisherman. I have closely watched that cycle repeate at least 3 times on a close ice fishing spot. I would bet overharvesting is almost always to blame with the lack of big gills.

    Kieler, Wis
    Posts: 664

    No fishing today for me, tomorrow though. I know size limits are never going to happen but some days you have to shake your head at the little gills laying on the ice. You know exactly where and what i’m talking about. I do agree though with the very productive years, that they were good. Who knows maybe next year . Maybe its just my frustration at catching 20 dinks to get a 8″ keeper. One positive aspect of this years fishing is that the crappies seem willing most days. Another question Jeff – have you noticed that some very good holes are completely void of fish?

    Cedar Falls, IA
    Posts: 205


    I have noticed a significant drop in quality fish coming out of P10. Like you said the numbers are still there but the quality is lacking somewhat. I don’t know if this is an issue or not but I see everyone nowadays keeping 6″-7″ gills all the time and keeping a lot of them. Could it be that they are taking out that many fish of that class year that it would affect the quality of fish for the next couple years? I personally wouldn’t keep a gill unless it’s 8″ or bigger. I am seeing the same thing with the crappies and this year especially. Granted these people are paying for a liscense just like you or I and they are entitled to keep their limit of any size of fish. I really think us as ice fisherman need to practice a little catch an realease and not go for a “LIMIT” every time out on the ice. Take a few home for a meal and that’s it. Leave those 6-7″ to let them roam and get bigger. Does anyone see this besides me??????

    Sparta, WI
    Posts: 9361

    I contribute it to over harvesting. You might shake your head at the guy keeping dinks but, I don’t think he is the guy hurting the quarry as much as the dude that takes 25 bigger fish home day after day while on a good bite.

    I believe electronics, wheelers and today’s arsenal of new technology has lead to very productive fish catching days, but these items cannot be blamed for over harvest, letting greed set in or just not knowing better is the blame for over harvesting.

    Fishing is growing with more people showing interest every year which is healthy for are sport. As long as the DNR sees the bag limits fit for now, it is up to us to educate the public to help them understand the importance of selective harvesting. After all most of us in Wisconsin know how the DNR count deer, maybe they have the same group looking after the panfish

    Kieler, Wis
    Posts: 664

    Well put bret, if the WisDNR gets invovled they would up the limit back to 50 .

    cassville ,wis
    Posts: 3051

    Another question Jeff – have you noticed that some very good holes are completely void of fish?

    You bet. Sediment and other conditions such as weed loss attribute to areas that use to be good but are now dead ponds. I do believe (or really want to believe)that for every area that went bad another area opened itself up for good fishing. We just have to get out and explore harder

    Unless you’re taking about the “holes” that you are fishing out of Dan then it’s safe to say they will be void of fish when you’re done with it. I don’t call you the black ninja warrior for nuthin

    cassville ,wis
    Posts: 3051

    Right on, “Earn a gill” is now being enforced. Get your tags while you can!

    Posts: 319

    hey Jeff, I know you were talking about years gone by, and after looking at your pictures from “yester-year” I didn’t realize it was way back in the old black and white days.!

    BS aside, this is a great topic and I can’t wait to see what others are seeing and think

    Posts: 1530

    We, as a group, need to encourage selective harvest. It’s common in open water but not yet on the ice.


    Joel Nelson
    Southeast MN
    Posts: 3136

    I think anecdotal evidence and experience both point towards overharvest and angler-pressure. I can’t think of a single good bluegill bite that I know of, for quality fish at least, which exists in areas that are:

    -well-known public fisheries that are widely discussed

    -easy to get to/fish

    -without tighter/special regs

    I’m just south of the metro, and we experienced it here many years ago now. I think you guys have enjoyed great fishing for so long because of the smaller numbers of people, and more importantly, the size of the system you’re fishing. Larger backwater areas have a much easier time bouncing back year to year, as they’re rarely closed systems. However, they still have a carrying capacity in the terms of numbers of anglers that area can support while retaining good fishing.

    It’s entirely possible and perhaps even highly likely that these fish have become more educated and are seeking other areas to avoid ice traffic and angler pressure as well. Secondary locations that require foot travel over long distances may not be where they relocate, but may be spots where they’ve always been that just don’t get the pressure.

    It’s why I look at walleye now as the “beef of the deep.” Moderately-highly successful stocking programs exist and are well developed under both state’s DNRs which allow me to keep a handful of fish for the pan without hurting the overall population of just about wherever I fish. While I’m not advocating everyone release every panfish they catch, I am saying that they’re perhaps more vulnerable to overharvest, esp. in the winter. Furthermore, again I make the supposition that panfish are more heavily targeted by those that like to keep vast amounts of fish.

    I’m also with Bret regarding keeping fish in the 6-8″ range and letting the true giants go. Lots of guys talk about a 10″ gill, but if everyone taped every sunfish they caught, more people would think of a 10 as an 8lb eye.


    Ron Johnsen
    Platteville wi
    Posts: 2968

    NO JD WELDER thats what the DNR traded with Iowa to put the limit to 25 on pan fish thats why pool 12 is closed for dec 1 til mar 16 for walleyes & saugers

    Dresbach, MN
    Posts: 7872


    I’m also with Bret regarding keeping fish in the 6-8″ range and letting the true giants go. Lots of guys talk about a 10″ gill, but if everyone taped every sunfish they caught, more people would think of a 10 as an 8lb eye.

    I couldn’t agree more. It’s funny(to me) when guys talk about bringing home their limit of 8″ bluegills. I believe if those guys hit those fish with a tape, they’d find very few true 8″ fish.

    Craig Matter
    Hager City,Wi
    Posts: 556

    I agree most of the 10’s that people talk about are only 8-8-1/2″ on the tape…..If people would put the 9-10 back and just keep the 7.5-8.5 we would see more. You rarely see anybody put that 9 or 10inchers back to swim another day….


    cassville ,wis
    Posts: 3051

    I’m kind of getting a hold of the problem here after reading everyones comments.

    Obviously we are in a downward spiral at the moment.

    Let’s just say that years past the bigger gills were much more prevalent.(Which they were) Ice fisherman, being human, naturally harvested the biggest gills they could legally harvest thus leaving the smaller 6 1|2-7 1\2 in. gills go. No need to keep them right? Already have a limit of big boys right? (Guilty of that very thing )

    This leaves us with a serious problem… that the big gills are missing from the picture altogether anglers have no doubt lowered their standards on what to take home for the fry pan. (Guilty again ) If this continues, not only will it take a long time to get back to the 9s and tens but numbers in general may take a severe hit. This not only will be tough on the anglers but what will be the consequences of a thin bluegill population? Bass, Northerns, Walleyes and everything else that feed on gills will have to turn to a different food source. Not saying that gills are the main forage by any means but it could have a few repercussions down the road.

    You guys are 100% correct when claiming that we, as a group of dedicated fisherman have a great responsibility laid before us. Pass the word about over and selective harvest. Can’t think of a better weapon than the concerned voices from InDepthOutdoors!

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18987

    All we can do is practice responsible fishing management. As a rule people on this site are willing to do that. However there is still a huge group of meat slayers out there. People that will limit day after day on a hot bite and tell all their meat hauling friends, who do the same. Its human nature. I cant put a number to it but my guess is the majority of ice fisherman out there still lean that direction. I’ll continue to do my part as I’m sure most of you will.

    NE IA
    Posts: 804

    Guys, I echo much of what was said.

    But, I hate to say this, but let me anyway.

    Who here thinks the fishing was better before the 25 limit?

    Cedar Falls, IA
    Posts: 205

    I agree to most that has been said on here except for a few things. Jeff brought up a very valid point of people’s standards getting lower if the bigger fish aren’t there. It’s also a lot easier to catch these panfish ice fishing than it is in the boat I think. Granted you are limited to certain areas to fish due to ice conditions, but that makes it even worse to take more fish out of one spot. It looks like selective harvest is the answer to this.

    Craig Matter
    Hager City,Wi
    Posts: 556

    WAY WAY less pressure….We’ve seen an explosion with all the new equipment, Shacks and electronics. Gone are the days of going out and punching two hole and sitting there until you left. People are mobile and move around a lot more than in the old days.

    cassville ,wis
    Posts: 3051


    Guys, I echo much of what was said.

    But, I hate to say this, but let me anyway.

    Who here thinks the fishing was better before the 25 limit?

    I always thought the panfishing was good before the 25 limit. After seeing the larger gills in that 5 year swing I naturally thought the limit was doing what it was suppose to do. Now I’m not so sure

    Do you think it was better before the limit was set Dave? Interesting question

    Dave Koonce
    Prairie du Chien Wi.
    Posts: 6946

    Fantastic Post Jeff!!!

    I for one agree a lot with most everything that has been posted….I have a couple of comments to add,,,

    Not only do the ice fishermen have an impact of the pan fish population, but the open water pan fisherman who will sit on a spawn bed and clean it out…It is so easy to do too…..

    And as for the length of the pan fish…the question is, how long are these so called SLABS really? Well I have a real easy way to measure my fish caught on the ice. From the top of the handle of my ice rod, I make a mark on the rod starting with 8″ and make a mark every 1″ up the length of the rod. (I use the wife’s bright fingernail polish)This way when I pull a fish and she fights like a monster 10″ slab I can truly tell the length of my fish.

    If you watch the next airing of In-Depth Outdoors on FSN you will see what I’m talking about for the makings…

    Thanks again Jeff, and everyone for their comments…this is a great read!!!

    cassville ,wis
    Posts: 3051

    I have the same marks on my rods Dave
    It took alot of years to not over exaggerate the length of fish, especially gills. It’s amazing the size variations you can get when you lay two seperate 8 inchers alongside each other. One can look normal where the other can have shoulders like a Brahma bull. I think this is where people get a little mixed up when estimating lengths.

    You are so right when talking about the spawn beds being vunerable too. Thank god they don’t spawn during first ice

    La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 1111

    I’m not sure why people catch 25 per day anways unless they’re feeding a family of 6-7?

    I think the emergence of better electronics over the past few years have a lot to do with the numbers taken on the ice as well.

    Posts: 6259

    Not sure if the limit helps or hurts the big gils, Altoona the local lake here in Eau Claire has a ten fish limit for all pans because it gets the snot pounded out of it all winter long, guys will do much more weeding out of small fish to get ten to take hime for a meal (atleast this is what I do)

    NE IA
    Posts: 804

    As for the limit helping, I don’t know. I never really ice fished the river until 99 or so. But I think the fishing was better in 99-05 compared to the last few years.

    I have the next 3 days off, I plan to do some more reasearch into this exact question, and will report back.

    Posts: 319


    I’m not sure why people catch 25 per day anways unless they’re feeding a family of 6-7?

    And that is why I’d support a smaller limit like JD said. 15 is a good number.

    Posts: 30

    I usually do not fish for gills until late July. The last two years the river has been high at this time and has had the fish more spread out than in the previous years. I fish pool 9 frequently in the summer and the bigger fish have been harder to come by with the high water. Also some of the gills that I did catch last August still had eggs in them, so I think the high water did keep some of the bigger fish, or maybe most of the gills in 9 from spawning. Just my thought.

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