A lot of you may already know this…but I would imagine there are a few folks out there who may have gotten a new flasher for Christmas…
Use and get to know your zoon function. On the Marcum LX3 and LX5 units you simply press the Zoom button, and hold the down arrow until the screen reaches the desired area for view. This magnifies the area where your bait or the fish are residing. One of our problems right now is that there are a large amount of shad in the river as seen on my Marcum camera as well as my LX5. Using the zoom function, you can concentrate on the area below the school of shad, which in our case is where the crappies were residing. Situations where the shad are this bad makes my favorote option of “Super Fine Line” ineffective. And without it, all you see is a blob of colors with no resolution. With the SFL and Zoom activated, I could concentrate on the area below the shad which is all that mattered to me.
If you look at the left side of my flasher in the first picture you will see the shad school and then you can see the gap below it where the crappie would come off the bottom. If you look to the right side of picture one, it shows the whole water column, and the blob of shad on the bottom. Not seeig those crappie means no bites as you would have to work them and concentrate intently on the spring bobber for the ever so slight movement.
If ANYONE is on the fence as to which flasher to buy, this is just another area where Marcum excels.