Help needed for Ice trip!!

  • brushy19
    Posts: 25

    Hey Guys, Some buddies and I are planning on taking a trip this year to hopefully catch some jumbo perch. I’ve been to Waubay with some success but only around 10 fish/day between two of us. If anyone has any suggestions on lakes to try in the midwest I would really appreciate it.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22926

    Welcome to IDO brushy19 I can recommend Mille Lacs, for jumbos. You can really get into them some days

    big G

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    Mille Lacs is a good perch lake and Winnie can really kick out the nice perch late in the season so be sure to put that lake on your list to consider.

    Posts: 25

    Thanks Big G. I’ve never fished Mille Lacs, but know some that have had good luck on it. To be honest the size is a bit intimidating coming from 200-300 acre lakes in Iowa, but I’ll definitly look into it.

    Ted Wedul
    holmen, wi
    Posts: 765

    I have never been to Roy Lake in S.D. but there have been some amazing posts on this site with regards to perch. Just a thought. I know it is on my list of lakes to fish someday…


    Posts: 25

    Ted, is Roy Lake about 20 miles North of Waubay? Might be worth going out that direction again to be able to hit some new areas and fall back on some old areas if we have to.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    You guys ever fish the refuge when you are in the Waubay area??

    Posts: 25

    I don’t beleive we have fished the refuge. Where is that located? Good lake?

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    I’m not 100% sure of it’s location compared to Waubay. It’s a national waterfowl refuge, so foot traffic only. My friends do very, very well for numbers of eater walleyes there. Any baitshop will be able to get you there.

    What I love about NE SD. You have 20 lakes within 20 miles that could all put out 13″ perch. There was a pothole lake up by Fort Sisseton last year that had some monster perch and the occasional walleye. These smaller lakes tend to be 1 year wonders due to the significant pressure they get, but come back in 4-6 years, it will be good again. We will be out there the 1st weekend in March.

    Posts: 25

    I think we’re planning an early-mid February trip. We’ll call around to local bait shops before booking anything, but are definitly going to get after some constant fish. Are they doing well right now on the eyes or in years past they have? Or is this the refuge’s year?

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    D. All the above.

    This place continues to kick out fish. I don’t think it gets a ton of pressure being it’s foot traffic only. They walk out as far as the lungs will allow dragging everything.

    Posts: 25

    Haha! That doesn’t sound like much vacation/relaxation time but I’ll do about anythign to get on the fish!

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 4143

    I was going to recommend the same area but get off Waubay. I’ve fished NE SD 3 times and its an awesome area.

    Check out Pickeral, Cattail, Roy, Clear, the list goes on and on.


    Posts: 25

    Thats why we weren’t really wanting to go back there because of the pressure Waubay gets, but we know the area pretty well. This year we’ll try to hit the surrounding lakes harder and give them a try.

    prior lake,mn
    Posts: 65

    millelacs is my first choice. later in the year i’ve had good luck going out of the red door resort.In about 25-30fow
    which is walking distance if you cannot drive on the lake.Plus there are some nice break’s out thier if you have a GPS.

    Posts: 785

    Blackduck Lake in Blackduck

    give Drakes motel in Blackduck a call they have a motel and they and there customers fish it a lot

    Posts: 25

    Where exactly is BlackDuck? How big is it?

    prior lake,mn
    Posts: 65

    if you take 371 to cass lake take a right on hwy 2 left on hwy 10 and 15-20 miles is blackduck.

    Sioux City IA
    Posts: 3974

    I think the refuge Kooty referred to is part of Waubay Lake, you have to walk out there and cross a small island to get into the deeper water. Mille Lacs will have the real jumbo’s but tend to be hit and miss and can sure be frustrating at times. Winni is coming around, and this years average sized perch should be pretty good. Are you strictly perch’n? If you want to be able to keep some pike and walleye, then be sure to go up to MN while seaon is open, otherwise head over to South Dakota.

    Posts: 25

    We aren’t strickly Perchin’ but are targeting them. We usually catch a handful of eyes and a few northerns as well in the Waubay area. I’ve heard good reports for perch on Roy lake and Lily Lake. Roy is easy to find but I can’t find Lily on the map. Found the town just not the lake. Anyone know where that’s at? We’ve decided to go to Waubay the first weekend in February.

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