Welcome to IDO!! You are right on that a flasher is a crucial ingrediant to increasing efficiency on the ice. Whether you decide on a Marcum, Vex, or the new Hummingbirds (Which I’ve been told are pretty nice) you will enjoy and understand the what is going on below the ice. Even days that aren’t big producers will have you learning something about fish behaviors, movements… I’ve used Vexilar products for several years, and give them much credit to many many many great days on the ice. Recently I posted a similiar question comparing brand name units. I’ve fought interference problems since while guiding typically we have at least 2, and often times 4 units running in relatively close quarters. When ran alone most all will work awesome. I would definately focus attention on interference issues with whomever you decide. Based upon some discussion on IDO it sounds like Marcum may have better interference blocking than the other brands of flashers. I will admit I do enjoy the bright colors which intensify as the signal becomes stronger on my vex, but wouldn’t consider it a MUST HAVE when it comes to catching fish. Being able to zoom different levels of the water column which I’ve been told the Marcums allow will be very beneficial when you become versed in how to use your flasher.
Sounds like the event Brian eluded to might be worthwhile.
Again WELCOME TO IDO!! Best Fishing site with the best group of guys and gals on the NET!!