What kind of flasher should I buy?

  • FlightBob
    East Central MN
    Posts: 21

    Hi Brian. First post here on I Do Fishing. From what I have seen this is a great web-site and look forward to reading everyones posts. I need a little help. I am trying to make my ice fishing trips as productive as possible. Many have said that the first step is a flasher. I have no experience with them, and it is hard to get a feel for the best bang for your buck. I am looking to spend between $200-$300 new or used. The most common brands I have seen are Marc, Vex, and Hummin. Gander Mt has a Marc 4 for $200 on sale right now(Good Deal?). Any suggestions of wisdom would be appreciated.
    Thank you

    Hawkbill point
    Posts: 1

    The MarCum VX-1 is definitely the best “bang for the buck” right now….If you can find a Gander that still has them for $199- Otherwise I’d keep an eye on the on-line classifieds, you might be able to pick up a used LX-3 for around $300, if you find one for that price you, jump on it. Have fun on the ice this winter Bob!

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Bob, what are you doing this coming Saturday?

    You’ll have 30 differant answers from people on line here…and you know what? Each answer will be right…for them. Everyone has a reason why they like the flasher that they own.

    Come on down to the Marcum High Power Challenge<<< on White Bear Lake any you decide what’s right for you.

    Click on the link for more details.

    This might be the most informative actual on the water demo ever held on ice!

    Welcome to IDO to both of you!

    Calvin Svihel
    Northwest Metro, MN
    Posts: 3862

    Welcome to IDO…

    The event that Brian is talking about is an excellent way to “kick the tires” on all brands. Allows you to decide which unit will best fit your fishing style.
    Good luck this ice season and welcome aboard again.

    Jesse Krook
    Posts: 6403

    I just bought a Vexilar and I am kicking myself in the butt. I get ALOT of interference from other flashers. I heard about this but turned my ear to it and now I am bummed I got this because flashers (new) are a good chunk of change.

    Do think about getting yourself a Marcum.

    Sparta, WI
    Posts: 9361

    Welcome to IDO Bob

    MarCum is my answer

    Posts: 2014


    What BK said. IF you have the 20th open go test out the 3 brands and that should make your decision.

    Posts: 5660

    Welcome to IDO!! You are right on that a flasher is a crucial ingrediant to increasing efficiency on the ice. Whether you decide on a Marcum, Vex, or the new Hummingbirds (Which I’ve been told are pretty nice) you will enjoy and understand the what is going on below the ice. Even days that aren’t big producers will have you learning something about fish behaviors, movements… I’ve used Vexilar products for several years, and give them much credit to many many many great days on the ice. Recently I posted a similiar question comparing brand name units. I’ve fought interference problems since while guiding typically we have at least 2, and often times 4 units running in relatively close quarters. When ran alone most all will work awesome. I would definately focus attention on interference issues with whomever you decide. Based upon some discussion on IDO it sounds like Marcum may have better interference blocking than the other brands of flashers. I will admit I do enjoy the bright colors which intensify as the signal becomes stronger on my vex, but wouldn’t consider it a MUST HAVE when it comes to catching fish. Being able to zoom different levels of the water column which I’ve been told the Marcums allow will be very beneficial when you become versed in how to use your flasher.

    Sounds like the event Brian eluded to might be worthwhile.

    Again WELCOME TO IDO!! Best Fishing site with the best group of guys and gals on the NET!!

    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12317

    The group of guys I fish with were all Vex guys. When we would fish together in the same fish house we used to complain all the time about not being able to see the lure with all the interference. We used to take turns tuning them off so that a few guys could see. That is not why I bought a flasher. Then a few years back at an IDA get together on Mille Lacs some guys had Marcums…they were able to almost completely eliminate the interference. That was it for me. I sold my Vex and bought a Marcum the next week. Now those same guys have gone Marcum as well, with the last one converting this last weekend. I think many here can come up with similar scenarios.

    This weekend should put an exclaimation point on it. Come out and check them out. Ramsey County beach off HWY 96.

    Posts: 6259

    I can certainly tune out interference on my Marcum while my Vex buddy’s have a harder time doing it, even from there own units. I think the overall power of the machine comes into play here but I don’t really know. I would look for a used one then you can shop for a top of the line model a couple years old. Guys have them here for sale all the time especially towards the end of the season if you can wait that long. My one complaint about the Marcum is it catches water in the bottom of the view finder, I considered machining a slot on the bottom of the plastic that catches the water but I cant seem to pull the plug and just do it. Welcome to IDO

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12627

    As a lifetime owner of Vexilars I do not have anything bad to say about them. I have not experienced much of a issue with intereference at all. Myself and a buddy both fish out of the same clam with both of us using our vexilars and have not had a problem. That said another friend of mine has a Marcum and is happy with his as well. If you have the money to buy new I’d say go with the Marcum but if you are buying used I’d not be affraid to buy a Vexilar. Just make sure the Vexilar unit has the SL option. This allows you to hit a button to block out intereference for other units on the same Frequency.

    Mankato, Minnesota
    Posts: 22

    Welcome to the site! I would say the Marcum VX-1 is the best product for the lowest price. I have seen the older version of the VX-1 going for 199.99 at Gander Mountain and on the Cabelas website they have the new VX-1 pro for 279.99 (retails for $350), which has 1000 watts peak to peak power, and a 12 step interference rejection. As opposed to 600 watts peak to peak power and a 6 step interference rejection on the older model. It also comes with a soft case. Hope this helps! web page

    La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 44

    Im not going to write a big long paragraph because I can get by with a couple of words Marcum is the way to go for sure

    Posts: 35

    Marcum’s VX-1 is a great entry level flasher. GM in Blaine had half dozen on its shelf last SUnday. GM also accepts competitor’s coupon, too. Big C has $20 off coupons online, I believe. I think you get the idea

    Hastings ,MN
    Posts: 2440

    marcum for me!

    Posts: 131

    Just bought a Bird 45 works great. Have a buddy getting out of ice fishing has a vex 18 he wasnt going to sell it when I wanted one now he had decided to sell in great shape. 2 years old.

    Onalaska, Wi
    Posts: 1193

    I’m a little old school, but I still prefer sight fishing.

    Welcome to IDO. I’ve only been on for a couple of days, and have had a great experience.

    Posts: 24

    only in Wisconsin is that a cure for hangovers

    I love it

    Albia, IA
    Posts: 187

    I bought a Marcum VX-1 last year. It is the 600watt model. Most of the brush on a lake and ponds I fish are less than 25′ deep and the unit has plenty of power for me. I can also fish with a buddy of mine in a hut with his unit and no issues. He has a vex and a marcum vx-1 and likes the marcum better.

    Posts: 102

    Another vote for MarCum

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19026

    Marcum. I have a Zercom Color Point which is the predecessor to the Marcums. It has no noise rejection which can be a problem if I’m involved in a fishing orgy like Tuck but otherwise still works so well I can’t justify buying a new unit. When this one fails I will buy a Marcum.

    Andover, MN
    Posts: 62

    I recently purchased a Showdown Verticle. I love it. I used it today in 12 feet of water and it helped me catch a lot of fish. Picked up my small jig and I was able to tune out the interference from my buddies Vexilar. It was on constantlyfrom 7:30 am to about 5:30 pm and battery still has a way to go before I need to charge it. It has an easy to read display and worked flawlessly for me.

    Ron Johnsen
    Platteville wi
    Posts: 2968

    check out the showdown they are great just love mine longer battery life & easy to read

    East Central MN
    Posts: 21

    I hope everyone had a great xmas. Thank you for all the advise and tips. I got some great suggestions as well as problems that can exist with flashers. Got a Gander gift card for x-mas and I will be fishing in style shortly. Thanks again and happy fishing

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