No-Knot clips

  • walleye1274
    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 515

    I know growing up I used the smallest size for ice fishing. They seemed to work fine. I am just getting all my stuff together and was thinking about them. Does anybody use them any more? I think the only disadvantage would be the bait angle, as the bait basically just hangs there.

    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 4977

    I wouldn’t with anything short of a spoon or jiging rap type bait. I find the know angle to the relation of the bait directly effect how the bait hangs in the water, I fish a lot of Ratso’s I find they need to be sitting horizontal in the water for best effect, it really does matter.

    I test this yearly with my buddies that don’t fish as much as I do Being the nice guy I am I let them fish for awhile, before I tell to make sure the bait is sitting right and adjust their knots, so I get to test this yearly, Its always proven to make a difference where you knot is sitting.

    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 515

    That is exactly the answer I was expecting. Thank you!!

    Milford IA
    Posts: 2178

    I use them on my spoon/jigging rap rods, makes it easy to change up baits. Everything else gets tied on.

    Posts: 5130

    I would have to disagree with some of the above. I typically always tie each jig on and is a pain. Then I fish with Bret Clark and Mike C and they both use the clips.
    Their is a big difference in how they will quickly change a jig when things slow down. For me, I am reluctant to change because re-tying is a pain with cold fingers.
    The proof that the clips work is in the reports from Bret and Mike. They use both horizontal and vertical baits and have success.
    I have now switched to these clips and found them to be very handy

    Sparta, WI
    Posts: 9362

    Jeff Jensen and I had this very conversation on the ice together last year

    I love my snaps, when vertical…in my eyes….there a must. They will add action to a bait vertical or horizontal.

    Jeff likes to be tied directly to the bait when he is horizontal for the same reasons mentioned above. Me….well I have learned some tricks

    With the small snap you can squeeze the end past the eye to make the loop smaller. You will still need to adjust the jig now and then but you can get it to stick that waxie straight out.

    Another thing I have learned…thanks James and Scott….I can lighten the load hanging off the back by popping my waxie and using just more of the skin to flip around calling in Mr. Bully

    After all that rambling you just read….everyone has confidence in the way they rig up, as long as you are catching fish

    I like the speed of snaps

    If you get snaps don’t purchase cheap snaps, you will never use them again if you do. Cheap snaps break after changing only a dozen times and, they have the tendency to straighten out

    Just 2 cents worth

    Posts: 319

    Bret, last Saturday when we were out “there” I went to a gill-pill. I had a clip on and asked Jeff about using the clip. He said, no. And I tend to agree with him, b/c of the issue.

    When I saw the pictures you posted and you had the pill, I did notice the clip. Maybe next time we are out there, and the conditions are a bit better, maybe you can show me what your talking about.

    I SUCK at tying a knot in the cold/wind. I hate even trying. So I’ve been stuck on using the clips….but I worry about the presentation at times.

    Austin, MN
    Posts: 806

    I also use the clips. I havent noticed any affect with the performance of the baits I use. I only have the clips on my walleye rods. The baits I use are almost always spoons and occasional chubby darter or rap. They are great for changing lures when your trying to find out what the fish want. Whether its color, size, rattle, its just make it way faster to change baits.
    Wallster ><((((>

    DeSoto, WI
    Posts: 914

    I use them religously fishing verticle or with horizontal presentations. The speed advantage of jig changing out weighs the presentation position IMO.

    Posts: 155

    Using clips saves time / keeps horizontal baits hanging horizontal without adjusting after each fish or bite / and lets verticals dance at the slightest movement – but don’t use the oblong ones with a Rembrandt – the lure finds some magical way to disappear with or without a fish attached. There are snaps with a round loop made from thinner wire that work better for me and I haven’t lost any Rembrandts since.

    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 515

    I guess everyone has their opinion. I will try it both ways this year and see what happens. Thanks for all of the great input guys!!

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