Well being as how I was in the same market you find yourself in currently I was going back and forth between Power, Dual vs. single beam, and Zoom.
I ended up right where I started out. With the MarcumVX-1P. I know what which one to get wasn’t you question, but I’ll explain how I got back to it after flipping back and forth about 1800 times. ( drove the wife nuts) 
I started at Power. For starters I’m a “the more power the better” type of guy. If you start out with any Marcum you will automatically have more power than the comparible flasher of any brand. So that “Helped” my search. Plus after seeing the VX-1 laster year @ 600 Watts P2P side by side with a Fl-20 and all 400 watts of it’s P2P I thought the marcums had hands down better signal returns which I could only chalk up to power.
The Dual beam single beam was probably the thing I had the hardest time deciding on. I was in the market for a entry level flasher, unless a deal I couldn’t refuse came along. With a new kid I have a budget now, and had to really think about how I was going to be using my newest toy. I look at it this way, and James did a great job of explaining it in their 1st episode this season, If you take say a 20 degree angle the further out it goes the more ground it covers. So if you are fishing in 100 feet of water your flasher @ 20 degrees will have more clutter than it will at 9 degrees. When you start getting out towards the bottom, just because they are on your screen doesn’t mean they are interested in what you have because they could be 30′ away. So with me not fishing deep water all that often I really didn’t see the NEED to have a dual beam ( yet). It sure would be nice for when I do get out deep, but right now I didn’t need it. (this single vs. dual beam had me flip between the Hummin’bird ice series, and the Marcums every 5 minutes)
Since I just finished eating look at it like a regular sugar cone( 9 degree) and a large Waffle cone (20 degree) Now I want some ice cream!!!
My big thing was actually the zoom. I used a few Marcums last year, and I don’t know if I ever fished them with out using the zoom. So for me that was really a must have feature. (also the easiest since again I wasn’t going to be spending enough money to get all 3 options)
there were also some other things that entered my mind, but I would say my next unit will just be a Marcum where I can get a high powered, dual beam, zooming flasher, and sacrifice nothing!