MarCum Introduces the “High Power Challenge Event”

  • In-Depth Webstaff
    Posts: 2756

    Every ice season visitors to this site and websites spread across cyber space have been doing their best to wade through the available information regarding ice flashers. We’ve all read and many have participated in the “Brand X Versus Brand Y” discussions. Some of these discussions have been helpful, insightful and filled with solid information while many end up turned in a completely different direction.

    What is often suggested and what is truly needed to make an educated decision is the opportunity to try various units made by the leading manufacturers side-by-side ON THE ICE. Turning knobs and pushing buttons in a store does little to shown an angler how a unit will perform where it counts… out on the ice!

    With that in mind MarCum Technologies announces the “High Power Challenge Event” series!

    These High Power Challenge Events will be held on popular bodies of water in MN and WI during the 2008/2009 ice fishing season. Flashers from the major manufacturers will be available for demo and comparison to anyone interested in dropping a transducer puck down a hole.

    There will be no high pressure sales pitch. No smoke and mirrors. Just an open invite to all anglers to show up, kick the tires and field test flashers side-by-side in a real world environment so you, the angler, can finally be the judge and jury regarding which flasher is right for you!

    Link to More Info – MarCum High Power Challenge Events Near You!

    If you’re in the market for a new flasher this winter these events will be one of your best opportunities to test various units side-by-side. So come on out and take the HIGH POWER CHALLENGE!

    In-Depth Webstaff
    Posts: 2756

    If you’re in the market for a new flasher it is time to start doing your homework before attending one of the MarCum High Power Challenge Events!

    Here’s what’s new from MarCum for the 2008 / 2009 Ice Season.

    MarCum – More Power, More Performance

    Through years of studying, fishing, and testing by engineers rooted in the heart of the ice-belt, a new leader emerges on the forefront of the ice fishing electronics market.  The result is the MarCum line of high-power sonar flashers that were designed from the ground-up, relying on modern principles of sonar and science. MarCum’s approach has always been the most performance for the money, period.  It would follow then, that every single feature on any of the MarCum flashers and cameras results from years of continuous innovation and study.  There’s alot of terminology here, but in the end, it’s all about features that translate into fishing success.  Ultimately, all the features in the world mean nothing unless they allow you to accurately gather more critical information about what’s below you.  Here’s a quick rundown of the many reasons that a MarCum will put more fish on the ice for you this winter. 

    More Power – MarCum flashers transmit the highest power in the industry, which directly effects the unit’s ability to effectively detect its own return signal

    Most efficient – MarCum manufactures its own transducers to ensure quality, balance, and efficiency when paired with the flasher’s other components. 

    Increased sensitivity – Better transducers, paired with more power and efficiency translates into the best target separation in the business.  The gain sensitivity on a MarCum flasher is nearly surgical, with the lowest signal/noise ratio in the industry.  This translates into finer detail with less distortion. 

    Better Resolution – TrueColor razor thin display (not blended like competitors).  MarCum never distorts any of its display segments by widening the signal, ultimately resulting in the best resolution, most crisp display, and finest detail in the industry. 

    “Total system performance” is what MarCum calls it.  All the features in the world can’t help you if they’re independent of one another, not working in concert.  A unit with more power, better efficiency, increased sensitivity, and better resolution is the complete package.  The net result for the angler is a better understanding of what’s going on below them; something that can’t help but put more fish on the ice this winter.

    In addition to those standard performance traits, below are features exclusive ONLY to MarCum, and why they’re engineered to be the best:

    Adjustable, Optical Zoom – While many folks know that MarCum has the only zoom feature that’s adjustable anywhere in the water column, few are aware that the zoom on a MarCum is a true, optical zoom.  Unlike competitors, whose resolution never increases and whose display is merely “blown-up”, the MarCum optical zoom feature actually increases your ability to discern distance and size between targets.  Rather than a larger display of the same data, you’re getting better information through a true optical zoom.  This is the same principal that applies to digital photography.

    Patented Interference Rejection (IR) Technology – Due to the very positive signal/noise ratio put out by the MarCum units, the IR in-turn performs better allowing the receiver to better separate noise and clutter from true signal. 

    Super Fine Line™ – This patented feature reduces the width of target display to increase the target separation and give you more information, especially in weeds/cover or amongst schooling fish.

    True Color – Marcum makes the only flasher that utilizes 3 separate, distinct colors; Red, Green, and Yellow. True color offers the most crisp, distinct display, giving the user the best accuracy in distinguishing targets. No more fuzzy blending.

    Ice arm – Rather than a float which moves about the hole and bobs with increased pressure on the ice or currents under it, the ice-arm allows the transducer to be placed anywhere in the hole.  This includes up against the edge, hiding most of the transducer under the ice to the far edge of the hole.  This results in fewer tangles, and less confusion from a changing bottom depth.

    3 Stage Digital “Smart” Charging System – An accurate, digital battery life display, along with a single plug 3 stage charging system maintains the electrical performance of the units.  The single plug prevents reversing the polarity and burning up your battery, and promotes reduced corrosion on the battery charging posts themselves.  Even if you only have an hour to charge your MarCum, the initial charging stage loads heavily at first, and backs down to top the battery off.  No other charging system can claim this!
    Standard Soft Pack – Rather than an add-on feature, a padded soft pack anchors and protects your investment in electronics.  

    This year is not without surprises. NEW for 2008, all MarCum flashers will get a boost in power, as described below.  Furthermore, Nature Vision has announced the inception of Auto-Tune Technology for their full line of 2008 Marcum flashers. Since all transducers have a frequency tolerance of plus or minus 4% (192-208kz) there exist a small mismatch between power head and transducer.  This variance, depending on how extreme it is from ‘ducer to ‘ducer, creates increased noise and essentially decreases the sensitivity and performance of the sonar unit.  Marcum engineers have developed Auto-Tune Technology to automatically adjust the frequency of the transmitter/receiver to the frequency of the transducer, thus eliminating additional noise and sensitivity concerns.  As if MarCum’s technological feats weren’t impressive enough, this innovation is essentially a “sonar technician in a can” and available in every new 2008 Marcum flasher. 

    Power Boosts
    LX-5 – 2000 watts peak-to-peak to 2500 watts peak-to-peak
    LX-3 – 1500 watts peak-to-peak to 2000 watts peak-to-peak
    VX-1 Pro – 600 watts peak-to-peak to 1000 watts peak-to-peak

    That is why MarCum leads the industry in innovation and performance.  It’s a fact that MarCum engineers can and are willing to test and prove.  A full suite of mechanical and electrical sonar tests have been run on all flashers currently on the market, and MarCum’s technology exceeds the competition often by orders of magnitude. 

    Also, stay tuned for this winter’s MarCum On-Ice Challenges.  MarCum openly invites all to come and take a look at their flashers, and compare the competition on the ice where it matters most.  View for yourself the power, sensitivity, and display; along with the features exclusive only to MarCum, and compare them to the competition. 

    In the lab or on the ice – MarCum leads the way.

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    I’m going to see if I can’t get a list or an idea of which units will be available for testing. Specifically I’d like to play around with one of the new Humminbirds to see what they’re all about. The White Bear Lake event is close to me. If MarCum will have the Ice 55 on hand I’m going to have to stop out.

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    Jon Marshall, Customer Service guy with Nature Vision, emailed me the info I was looking for. MarCum will definitely have Fl20’s, the Humminbird Ice 55’s and Showdowns. Other units maybe be added down the road.

    Also noteworthy… MarCum is encouraging owners of Vexilar and Humminbird units to bring their own units along as well for comparisons.

    I guess the last questions is… how’s the ice fishing on White Bear Lake? I’ve never fished it through the ice. If I’m going to make it out there I’m going to come ready to do some fishing. Crappies? Pannies? Or is there a walleye bite to speak of?

    Northeast Iowa, Randalia
    Posts: 1537

    Make sure you put a full review up after you compare! There are no Iowa lakes listed so I’ll have to get the results from you guys!!


    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    Will do. It should be a fun event. I’m think about doing a nice quick stop to test the Ice 55 and then I’m off to punch a few holes.

    Northeast Iowa, Randalia
    Posts: 1537

    That’s the one I’m interested in. I have an LX-5 but my wife wants a flasher now, so if the Ice 55 is a nice unit I may hand down my Marcum to her!!


    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    I think I’ll check with Jon Marshall and see what he would think if I brought the video gear along to record other’s responses and feelings after making the comparison and share that video here. Getting feedback from a number of people during and after the demo would likely be the most valuable information a guy could glean from this type of event without actually attending yourself.

    Posts: 6259

     Looks like the two I have, couldn’t be happier!

    Posts: 81

    White bear lake? James you inchin’ your way north?

    I’m using one of the Marcum units Steil was selling last year. It’s getting dual useage, on my blazer jet and ice fishing. That unit shoots through an aluminum hull without any signal loss. It helped me “stumble” on to a decent fall river crappie bite by showing schools of fish suspended 5′ to 7′ off the bottom.

    Posts: 81

    Even on the river its real cool to watch that faint green signal turn bright red and then comes that “rap”. I spent some time playing around with comparing my humminbird 787c2i and Marcum flasher on Winni in October. The crappies in cutfoot like to hang around the deeper holes, as in 40′. I wish I still had the picture of my 787 and the flasher showing the differences between what a school of fish on the graph versus a flasher looks like. Real flat long line on the graph where as the flasher shows a series of broken lines in green one minute and occasional red flashes. It’s hard to paint a picture in words to describe the differences between the two units, but it was definitely easier to stay with the school using just the flasher, especially in that deep water.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 59992


    High Power Challenge Events

    Nothing like putting your money where your mouth is!

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18101

    So, who is planning to attend the WBL event??

    Albertville MN
    Posts: 2019

    I’ll be there Kooty. Just like I was telling folks at the ice show,……Heres the chance to put all the talk aside. It will be right in front of your own eyes.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 59992

    I’ll be there….in my Marcum Red Pick Up!

    Craig Matter
    Hager City,Wi
    Posts: 556

    Start time for this event (White Bear)says noon anyone know when the end time is??? I work until 3:30 in Eagan…..Will it still be going on when I get done with work???


    Joel Nelson
    Southeast MN
    Posts: 3137

    I’m 50/50 right now, hope to be there and put some more names to faces!


    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12318

    I am coming out to see if BK knows what knobs to turn!

    I am going to get a couple new units this year for me and the kids.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 59992

    Haven’t a clue on the Hummingbirds…but I know where your button is.

    See ya there!

    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12318

    That sounds like a challenge in itself!

    Posts: 1

    I have a ? for anyone except product reps. I saw somewhere that a transducer only uses 400 watts and any talk of 1000-2000 is just hype for the consumer and will actually wear out the transducer quicker. True/not true?

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926


    Start time for this event (White Bear)says noon anyone know when the end time is??? I work until 3:30 in Eagan…..Will it still be going on when I get done with work???


    I emailed your question to MarCum and here’s the response.

    “I plan on being out there well past dark maybe wrap it up around 7. Weather
    forecast look excellent for putting these units threw the ringer Highs in
    the low teens and lows -7 to -11F!”

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18101

    Looks like you better bring your snow suit this weekend. It’s gonna be fun to get my LX5 out and compare it to the others.

    Are there any fish in WBL? What should we be expecting?? Larva baits for pannies, minnows for crappies and eyes?

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 59992

    Panfish, pike and there are some walleybies in there.

    See ya all at Noon!

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13292

    I havent fished out of that access yet. From looking at the map Im sure a person could find some tip up action for pike. Looks like deeper water not to far away that there might be a crappie or 2 in. Most likely a few sunnies around to. Should be a good time.

    Iowa City, Iowa
    Posts: 3037

    Be careful with that lx-5 kooty, it has an anointing on it.

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13292

    Looks like a great day for this event. Im still planning on being over there around noon or a little after with my neighbor and a few others. Some of us will most likely be looking for pike on tip ups. For me Im going to ty to locate some crappies. Should be a good time. I have never fished this location before and love to go looking for new fish.

    Take your time getting around today and plan for some interesting weather. This should still be a good time.

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    See ya’ there, Mike.

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