Clam 1060 or 6800?

  • Matt Hall
    Mount Horeb, WI
    Posts: 392

    So, last year I bought a Clam 1060 and am wondering if I should have went with the 6800. Has anyone fished out of both? I think I’d like the solid floor in the 6800 better than the fair amount of exposed ice you get with the 1060. If I’m overlooking and benefits to either the 1060 or 6800 please let me know.


    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100


    My buddies from SD went the 1060 route and a year later sold it. They did not care for that shack. They now have a 6800 as a home base/heater house.

    Western Wisconsin
    Posts: 228

    I just have the 6800. It’s good size which is nice, but heavy and pulls terrible if there is any snow. I can’t compare it to the 1060 because I have never fished in one.

    I will point out a couple flaws in the 6800. Keep in mind my model is 4-5 years old so they may be quite a bit different now. The floor is pain to line up and drill your holes. I start my holes in the shack and then move the shack and finish drilling them so that helps keep them lined up. I also have seen guys mark the holes with food coloring, then move the shack and drill holes.

    When I drag the shack on the ice/snow when it is folded up the hole covers often fall out and then the shack fills with snow w/o me knowing sometimes.

    If the ice is rough or there is snow the shack can sit unevenly on the ice. The plastic floor can be quite loud too when there is no snow on the ice. Also it isn’t the easiest to set up alone, espeially in some wind.

    It doesn’t have a skirt which I think is nice to have to keep the wind out. Sometimes there isnt any/enough snow to pack around the shack 10-12″ high.

    Finally, I have seen a lot of guys trip and fall or almost fall coming out of the shack. You need to get your feet up off the ground 10-12″ when entering and exiting otherwise you will snag your foot on the shack, especially with big clumsy winter boots on.

    Overall though I like the shack. It is certainly not mobile but it has its time and place. Great shack for holding 3-4 guys tip-up fishing on cold days or nights.

    Posts: 120

    A friend of mine bought a 6800 last year. we used it once,the floor is very thin and cold needless to say very dissapointing. he took it back and opted for the clam sleeper. it is heavy but worth every extra penny,plenty of room and warm.5600’s linked would be awesome too,I fish out of a 5600 it is great.thats opinion

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