Marcum/Nature Vision A++

  • meloco1
    Central Iowa
    Posts: 2

    I sent my Marcum LX-3 in to get the true color upgrade just before they were bought out by Nature Vision. Needless to say when I heard the news of the buy out I was very nervous!! Calls to the Marcum numbers and emails were not returned. Finally I called Nature Vision and talked to a customer service rep and explained the situation and we verified the Marcum rma # and she issued me a new one thru Nature Vision. She explained that they were training the techs on the Marcum units and that it may be a few weeks before they could get to my unit. So I gave it about a month and sent an email to see what the status was. I got a reply from Jon who was the person I originally talked to at Marcum. He said it was going to be a while longer, which was fine as long as I got it back before the water got hard. I’m in no hurry. Last week I called Jon and left a message that I wanted to get a update on the unit. He called me back that same day and said that they were behind and that they would like to send me a new unit which would be an actual lx-3tc. Two days later it’s at my door!!!! I’m am very happy with how they handled my situation. I did have to wait awhile but I understand how things get when companies are bought out. The end result is a very satisfied customer. Thanks to Jon at Nature Vision!

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