I have been warning my wife for the last couple of years that I wanted a pull behind icehouse in the next couple of years. So here I am searching for the best icehouse for the buck.I went to frank’s RV in Ramsey where they make ultrashaks.They are nice people and make nice houses.They are made with aluminum tubular framing.They have drop tongues so you can stay connected to your vehicle.They have lots of options(make them all custom).The problem I have is it would cost around 10,000 for the 6 1/2ft.by 16ft.house I would like . I would like to keep it down around 5,000. I am also curios if something like Rhino lining could be sprayed on the base to keep it from freezing in.Please help,I seem to have my wife’s permission for now ,but that could change.
October 14, 2003 at 11:39 pm