Fish Finders

  • Fife
    Ramsey, MN
    Posts: 4072

    I am hoping to buy a new fish finder this year for ice fishing. I have used a Vexilar FL-8 and a Clearwater, but I have never tried an FL-18. Right now I am torn between an FL-8 and the 18. Is it worth the extra money? What does everyone else use?

    Posts: 4

    I have never used the FL-8. I bought the FL-18 last year. It is an awesome machine. The bottom zoom is great, especially if you work deep water. 35′ down, and you can see the smallest jigs.

    sean colter
    Grand Rapids, MN
    Posts: 201

    I have used both units. In deep water say deeper then 20 feet the FL-18 will out fish the 8 by a long shot. Pending on what type of fishing your doing with it, one can always shut off the bottom lock (zoom) and you now have the FL-8, but those days when your deep, it will make a huge difference in your catching. I would spend the extra…its worth it. Either way, you will be happy with either model.

    Dresbach, MN
    Posts: 7872

    FYI there’s an FL-18 on Ebay. The auction ends in 2 days. It’s not set up for ice fishing but it’s brand new in the box. There are other Vexilars for sale on there too.

    Stillwater, MN
    Posts: 622

    I’ve had all three FL-8, FL-8SLT, and now the FL-18.
    I would go with the FL-18 if you can afford it. You’ll love the zoom feature. Once you get one you’ll never be without one!


    Red Wing, MN
    Posts: 347

    I’ve got a Clearwater Classic and an FL-18. The Clearwater’s separation is great, better than the FL-8. When the 18 came out and it had equal separation to the Clearwater, plus it had that zoom, I had to have it. It is definitely worth it to spend the extra money to get it instead of the 8.


    Central MN
    Posts: 3817

    Check out the MarCum LX-3 before you purchase a FL-18. Most of the guys I fish with prefer the LX-3 because it has better target seperation and the crisper read out. The LX-3 has a 3 color read out, same as the FL-18 but the colors are the 18 are more distinct.

    I have been using both units over the last year and this year I will be running all LX-3’s. The zoom feature that the FL-18 offers is the same on the LX-3 except it is adjustable and can be moved to any section of the water column on the LX-3. This is a very nice feature in deep water or when fishing suspended fish. It is definetly worth your time to look into it. Both units will meet your needs.

    Delta, WI
    Posts: 412

    I believe the “new” FL-18 is on Vexilars’ website. They sent me info on it earlier this summer and it will be the most user friendly, portable ice fishing flasher out there. It has some great new features including the stand it sits on.
    Chris Beeksma

    Posts: 4

    The display on the FL-18 is much brighter than the FL-8.

    Posts: 180

    I like the Vexilar FL-18. I had a FL8-SLT and upgraded to the FL-18 right when it came out. At first I had some issues with the bottom zoom, but I took it to Vexilar in Minneapolis and they did an upgrade that took about 5 minutes free of charge and haven’t had a problem since. It’s a good unit on the bow of the boat too so you can use it year around.

    Scott….Isn’t the Mar-cum a Zercom product….What happened to that company anyway?


    Central MN
    Posts: 3817

    Long story but MarCum owns the technology behind the old Zercoms.

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