Sweet Crappies Part Deuce

  • sand_burr
    Grasston, MN
    Posts: 281

    Well guys and gals Day 2 in northern pine county brought some interesting things for us. We started out at the crack of dawn with big hopes of keeping the area quite. Well as soon as daylight broke we were surrounded! This is a common problem and it really keeps me from fishing most of the lakes in my area. I am not sure what the distance a person can be away from you is (10ft I think) but there defiantly was some encroachment today! I might have even given them a break if it was a small hump or flat but there was nothing there but a gradual drop? Yesterday we played the crowd and fished in-between them and it worked. Well today we had to wait and let the people crowd around us then move away. We left our spot around 9:30 and relocated. By 10:30 we were one fish away from a limit and still going strong. People started to leave the original group shortly after that and spread out. Why they didn’t do that in the beginning is unknown……. We once again used hair jigs and it took the same amount of time to figure out the color the wanted but after that it was game on! We were fishing in 15ft of water and most of the fish came in 2-5 ft off the bottom. Marcum’s were a Must! We even ended up two small walleyes! Keep growing little guys.

    Enjoy the pics and video!

    Posts: 6

    Looks great, that’s what the great outdoors is all about. It’s awesome that a lake with that kind of pressure can produce fish like that! Brent

    Posts: 76

    I find that when there is a group like that on the ice, it almost always pays off to move about 50 yards away from the group, typically toward deeper water. I think the big crowds spook fish, especially crappies and walleyes.

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