You never know what you are going to catch on the Mississippi river and I experienced that first hand today while fishing for eyes. I caught a dozen or so and lost more than that today. I had a nice fat female eye to the hole (guessing around 4 pounds) iced 2-18″ and a 16.5″ sauger today and the rest were pretty small. But that is not the strange part. I caught my first fish that tried to WALK back into the hole. It was a 16″ goofy eel looking thing that had 4″ legs near the pectoral fin. When I pulled it out of the hole it curled in a ball. A neighborning fisherman told me it was a Mud Puppy and I should throw it back so I did. Should I have released it or threw in on the ice? The second that I had came about an hour later when I hooked into a real good walleye. I fought it for about 10 minutes as it bullied me around and tried to stay near the bottom. When I got it to the hole, it took around 6 to 8 attempts to get the head up into the hole and land the fish. My good walleye turned out to be a 31.5″ Sturgeon. And by the way, they sure have sharp edges on their backs. Crazy what you catch on the Ole Miss.
February 17, 2008 at 5:45 am