Pool 8 Pike Fishing Weekend

  • Mudshark
    LaCrosse WI
    Posts: 2973

    Well for the first time in (what seems to be)a long time I had the chance to fish ALL weekend…
    Started out Friday afternoon…got out on the ice about noon and fished until dusk…..set up in a bay off the main channel…4 tip-ups set in shallow (4 to 6 ft )water…with shiners.
    The flags were flying fast and furious (say THAT 5 times real fast ),and if you need the exercise there’s nothing better than chasing flags on slick ice,…. ended up with 3 northerns,30,31,and 32!!
    Adding to the fun was it was a beautiful day!!
    Saturday was a little gloomier, and colder….and so were the flags.
    Fished from 7:30 until 5 with only 2 flags..
    1(seemed like) good one broke off at the hole(straightened out the snap) and then,just before we left,brought in a 34 incher.
    Slow day but still fun!
    Sunday we were at it again…getting on the ice about 7:15, we were only set up about 15 mins when the first flag popped up….bait stealer…seemed like the pattern for the rest of the day…8 flags,no fish,no bait.
    Getting a little bored I decided to see what was happening elsewhere and who do I run into but Bret!
    Good to see ya again bud!!
    Bret told me Cade was out and about but it was too durn long of a walk!!…Sorry Cade,it would have been good to BS awhile, but I’m a lazy old fart! …next time AGAIN!!
    Left the ice about 2…The big game coming up and all,so while not a perfect day,it was a GREAT weekend
    2 pictures…1 of my 31 and 1 of the 34….
    (It was a meat hunting trip,thus the gaff picture… can you say pickled fish )
    Hope everybody had as good weekend as I did.

    Sparta, WI
    Posts: 9362

    Good job on the Pike

    It was great to shoot the bull again

    Posts: 405

    Nice report and pics. Nothin better than a weekend spent chasin pike

    Winona,MN/La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 3667

    Nice fish!! Ahh, too bad I didn’t get to talk to you!! I saw somebody in black over by Bret for a bit, Must have been you– Yes, we were watching Bret very closely at that time as we weren’t doing too great ourselves. We WILL meet again, its just a matter of time!!

    Nice report,


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