Do marcums mess up Vexilars

  • mike_j
    Nashua Iowa
    Posts: 754

    Ok yesterday I was fishing at Brushy Creak in IA, and I had the LX-5 there wich worked great for me. Went back to the spot I fished last weak in a creak channel in 42’of water and there were a bunch a permenants out there this time. I set up anyway trying not to get to close to them. People started coming to there houses and fishing just befor light. Caught a few crappies then they slowed so I got out of the portable to go searching for fish. Right away I guy from one of the permanents asked if one of us had A marcum. I said yes I have an LX-5. He said yeah I could tell when you turned it off. Then I went down the channel a ways and set up on some crappies I found when another guy showed up to his house. He was drilling holes and checking them with a vex, when another local asked where he was going to fish he said Well I don’t know I have to set up away from him. And they were extremely mad at me and the guy told me they should have banned those marcums along time ago cuase we can’t fish within 50′ of you without ours being messed up. (He didn’t use such nice words either). Is this true or did they just not know how to adjust for it. I had mine on the NBT and had no Interferance at all. One good thing was that they all stayed away from me wich was way nice.

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926


    we can’t fish within 50′ of you without ours being messed up. (He didn’t use such nice words either). Is this true or did they just not know how to adjust for it.

    This is just a classic example of a couple guys that don’t know how to use their equipment. They should have been able clear that up without much trouble.

    Savage Minn.
    Posts: 21

    I have used my LX5 in the same house with an FL 18,12 and a 8 at the same time it takes some playing around with the IR on each unit but we all find the setting that we can live with. But I will tell you I have to do less playing with the LX5 and I wont have any problem on the Marcum.

    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 4977

    I wonder if they didn’t have an issue with their flasher as well, I know one of my lx3’s isn’t quite working right, it works fine by itself, but turn it on near anything else, and forget about it, neither it or the others will work. Haven’t had a chance (or a real “need”) to send it back to marcum yet.

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    I have had no problems fishing with my Vexilar FLSE 8 near other Vexilars or Marcums. They must not of adjusted their flashers.
    Thanks, Bill

    Posts: 1573

    As long as your unit has an IR button you should be able to block out interference.Sometimes you have to push the button several times to find the right setting but eventually it will clear up.Those LX5s put out a lot of power but I have used 2 of them 4 feet apart and with a little adjusting they have worked fine.

    Posts: 45

    Either they had the very first fl-8 with no IR feature, or they don’t know how to adjust their Vex. I fished in same shack with my lx-5 and my buddy’s fl-8 with no problem. Just some minor adjustment from both of us and both screens were clear.

    Posts: 85

    Thats why I switched to two lx 5s. I did fish with a person in my perament this weekend and he had a vex 20 and he was able to use it. But had some problems

    scenic tackle
    Bemidji, MN
    Posts: 727

    We fish side by side with a 18 and LX5 all the time. Sometimes it just takes a bit of adjusting to clear both units and then you are fine. I have found the LX-5 to pick fish off the bottem better then the 18.

    cny tim
    Rome, NY
    Posts: 168

    I think that those guys have never had to deal with interference very much, that’s what I think. Maybe they just wanted you away from there prime spots as well. It’s been proven by some of the top NAIFC fishers that you can get multiple manufacturer unit’s to work at least fishable.

    Nashua Iowa
    Posts: 754

    Thanks guys you confirmed my thoughts. These were local guys that I realy havn’t seen out on the lake befor. When you can drive on the ice you get alot of people that normaly wouldn’t walk the 3/4 to mile it takes to get to this spot so I think they are normaly used to fishing shallower water. I don’t like fishing in a crowd anyway and now I guess I know how to clear one (at this lake at least)

    Posts: 102

    I fished a couple weeks ago next to my dad in his Mankato, which is like a 7 foot house. I have a LX2 and he has a FL18, neither one of us had any problems. I did catch more fish than him though

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 59992

    Marcums do NOT mess up Vexilars.

    Marcums mess up Vixilar OWNERS.

    Ps…I’m typing in my sleep and this can’t be held against me in the morning.

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607


    Marcums do NOT mess up Vexilars.

    Marcums mess up Vixilar OWNERS.

    Ps…I’m typing in my sleep and this can’t be held against me in the morning.

    Wanna make a bet [about you not being held accountable??? ]
    Thanks, Bill

    The more I think about this it has to be either they didn’t adjust their Vexilars or like Jeff says they just don’t want you near their hot spot. Probably both.

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