Hit the road at 6 this morning and headed south to the Waterville area. First of three lakes I fished today was Washington. Got on the ice about 7:30, man was it packed already. Drove out past shanty town a bit to get away from the crowds and it paid off. Set up in 35fow and was marking fish suspended 15-25ft down. Dropped a Fiskas Wolfram jig tipped with plastic and immediately got bit. These fish were not being shy at all, sometimes I wouldn’t even get back down to the top of the school before one would come screaming up to my jig. Set hooks into 21 crappies. Stayed out on Washington till about 11, then headed over to Lake Francis.
Again staying away from the crowds was the ticket. Found a sunken point that sticks out into the main lake and tops out at 14fow or so. Set the house off the tip in 20fow and threw a tip-up rigged with a 8″ sucker up on top of the point. Wasn’t long before I had a few sunnies showing themselves in the house. It was by no means fast and furious, but I was marking and catching fish consistently. Did have 2 runs on the tip-up. First time out to the flag…swing and a miss new sucker and back to the house I go. 20mins or so go by and flag goes up
Get to it and the fish is taking line. Set the hook and bam 28″ northern comes up the hole after a good battle. Fished here from 11:30 to 2 and headed for Tetonka. I had got a report of some “bull” gills coming out of there and had to check it out.
After drilling a bunch of holes on an inside corner that was in 20fow I began hole hopping to try and find these gills. Fished this corner for an 1.5hrs with nothing to show for it. Marked a few fish and that was it. Sat in the truck for a few mins trying to decide what to do. Finally decided to head out to deeper water in search of crappies. The Lowrance H20c was telling me there was 35fow not to far from where I was so I headed out to this hole and drilled some holes and found the fish suspending about 20-24ft down. Set the house up and sent a minnow down one hole and a Gill Pill/waxie down the other. Much to my surprise the minnow lived to see another day, not even a nibble. The Gill Pill /waxie was the ticket out here. Fished till 5:30 and ended the day with 14 more crappies coming to the hole.
All in all a great day on the water. I have a pic of a few fish I brought home for dinner, but when I try to update the photo it tells me the file has to be jpg and not img. I have corel snapfire and it is telling me the photo is in jpg format. What am I doing wrong