Need A Little Help

  • col._klink
    St Paul
    Posts: 2542

    Out fishing on Sunday night with a couple of buddies I had a little mishap with my trap.

    We were tip up fishing our favorite lake when things were slow we decided to move. I brought my spear along just in case a pickler pike decided to cruise by the hole we had cut. We use my shack as a warming and beer consuming stageing area in between flags. For some reason (My restlessness) we decided to move.

    So instead of collapsing the trap all the way I just opened it packed all our gear in the sled, placed my spear on the rails that support the seat, hooked up to the wheeler and took off slowly.

    Well here is the crappy part. We broke through a big slush pocket tipping the trap on its side. The dang spear….speared the right side of the trap through 4 layers of material. It gets better………..when that happened some how the handle end got caught on a chunk of ice. This put a 4′ to 5′ slice in the back of my trap right under the window. Hold on folks it gets better………

    Not only do I have 5 spear holes in 4 layers of the side now I have a huge f”ing gash in the back. But when the spear caught in bent my upper support poles into a “V”. making it allmost immpossible to close or collapse the poles.

    If anyone has any spare parts or any ideas……….

    Or keep your eyes open for a deal. With the baby here now momma was not to thrilled when I broke the news.

    Thanks for your help.

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