Please don’t shoot the messenger! Bad Weather

  • skyguy
    Park View, IA
    Posts: 66

    Hey folks! I’ve got to post on something that’s going to seriously effect alot of ice around here. The main news here is, GET OUT AND FISH NOW! By the time we get to Sunday night, there will be a tremendous amount of melted snow on top of nearly all ice southeast of Minneapolis. There’s about 2 inches of water equivalent in the snow, that will melt Saturday through Monday. In addition, areas along and east of the Mississippi river, will see rain, and potentially lots of it. This rain will be falling when temps are in the 50s, and that’s really really bad news for safe ice, which is still somewhat spotty under the heavy blanket of snow that’s out there. So, be safe and fish now, don’t wait till Monday. For those interested in trib rivers south of central MN/WI, expect ice jams and flooding to be in control through all of next week.

    Sorry bout the crappy forecast!

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