Slow Bite

  • Jesse Krook
    Posts: 6403

    Sunday I was out on what used to be a private lake outside of Star Prarie WI. Fishing in about 6-7 fow. You could look rite down the hole and see fish,jigs, and bottom. We managed to pull out 1 little northern and a few 13+ in. crappies (pics were bad due to lantern in shack). The bite was slow and frustrating, I was honestly bouncing my jigging rap of the tip of a northerns nose he just sat there and then swam away. Alot of northern, perch, and bluegills just looked maybe swam in for a taste and then swam away.
    Monday I was out on the St.Croix just north of North Hudson. I was out there for an hour(all I had time for) and missed my only 2 bites on a rattle-n-buckshot tipped with a head of a fathead. I dont know if it was this cold front moving thru or what but fishing was slow. Hoping to get out on the river again for a few hours before work tomorrow and get some fish.

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