auger problems!

  • DanB
    Posts: 34

    Well i went out fishing for the first time yesterday and my auger still won’t run right. Its a lazermag express 2hp. It starts just fine and it’ll rev up to full when i am holding it in the air, but as soon as i start making it work it wants to die. I just starts acting like its running out of fuel. It started doing this at the end of last year. If i choke it a little when it starts to die then it’ll keep running. But thats not the easiest thing to do then your trying to drill a hole. Anyone have any ideas as to what the problem might be? I put seafoam in it to summerize it, but it doesn’t seem to have helped any. I also do turn up the idle adjust screw and for some reason it seemed to stay running longer, but still not perfect. I would bring it out to big lake, but its a long drive just for a checkup. Thanks for any help guys.

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