Artificial Bait

  • luke_haugland
    Iowa City, Iowa
    Posts: 3037

    Gents- do you experiment with artificial baits for ice fishing at all? I have had good luck with powerbait and gulp. I like the maggots, waxies, and wigglers. I think they all smell horrible, but they must smell great to the fish. I think the blood worms look great, but that isn’t a main forage base for fish here in Iowa.

    Has anyone tried the foodsource ice fishing baits?

    I was a die-hard spike/waxworm ice head for a long time, but I am always looking for ways to save time. It seems like a powerbait wiggler will last for 10-15 fish, where a live waxworm will only last one or two fish before re-baiting. I also love the fact that you don’t have to keep artificial baits alive, just throw the jar in a pocket and you are good to go. My coat is getting a little weight down though, I had 11 different jars in it today.
    It is amazing how many color/sparkle/design combinations they are coming out with.

    I don’t know how many times I have been fishing a hole, to have two or three fish come in, then catch one…and scurry to get another wax worm threaded on, only to get it down in time to watch them swim out of the cone.

    Anybody else have good/bad experiences with artificial baits?

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