Pool 11.

  • jeff_jensen
    cassville ,wis
    Posts: 3053

    The game plan this morning was to get away from the crowds and look for new ice.
    Hooked up with jd welder first thing this morning. Started tough so we relocated to an area that, years ago,use to give up big gills. This small backwater has been deserted for years in the fact that it’s not as deep as it once was.
    The gills were in there,not a ton of numbers but a few nice gills and a bonus crappie.Steady action until 11am.then it was like somebody threw the “not hungry” switch.
    Looking forward to going back with a camera to see what this little hidey-hole has in it for numbers
    Good fishing with ya Dan,how did you end up ?

    Winona,MN/La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 3667

    nice report, sounds like a fun day on the ice! how big is that crappie? It sure looks like a nice one.

    cassville ,wis
    Posts: 3053

    Thanks Cade,that crappie is a “stick your arm out as far as you can” 12″er

    Sparta, WI
    Posts: 9362

    Dandy looking White Crappie Jeff

    Posts: 319

    good job! and here I thought you were stuck or “limited” in what you could do for fishing this weekend!

    PM sent……talk with you later!

    Lancaster, WI
    Posts: 562

    Nice report Jeff, that crappie looks like its about 14+ inches, I’m surprised its only 12, it does help to hold it out a long ways tho. I made it out today on a pool 10 backwater, it was a new area for me I just wanted to try it out, caught quite a few small fish but ended up keeping around 20 fish between me and two other guys i was with, most of them were crappies

    Kieler, Wis
    Posts: 664

    yeah it was a touch tough but managed a few nice fish.when i stopped off i ended up getting 5 gills all 8.5 inches and a bonus 13″ crappie. heres a few picks. that wind sure put a chill in the air. i stayed till 1:30, with a yellow and orange fiskas tipped with pink gulp waxie catching all the fish for me.jeffs crappie was white with mine being a black. fun day over all, just nice to get this weekend.

    Iowa City, Iowa
    Posts: 3037

    Nice fish guys, thanks for the report!

    I need to find crappies here in Iowa…safe ice all over would help

    cassville ,wis
    Posts: 3053


    good job! and here I thought you were stuck or “limited” in what you could do for fishing this weekend!

    Jay,anytime I cannot fish from dawn until dusk is “limited” time
    Glad you picked up some nice fish

    Posts: 319

    Nice fish Dan! Pleasure meeting you on Saturday! With that pile you had Saturday…..I thought for sure I’d see you there yesterday.

    I went back……got a few. didn’t bite as well as they did Sat. for me.

    Posts: 95

    Great Job Jeff…now next time you go to this spot give jon and i a call….great job tho and niec pictures!!!!!

    Posts: 70

    great job guys looks like ya had some fun out there

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