Pool 8 Backwater Report

  • amwatson
    Posts: 5130

    Today was another day, different location, but same results
    The fishing in the area remains decent with good and bad days mixed in. Today was an average day and the fish were for the most part in a negative mood, but there were some aggressive fish mixed in.
    I tried several spots and only drilled about 10 holes. The first spot was in 15 fow with just a few lookers here. The next holes showed fish and i was able to land a few. In this particular area, I kept making new holes trying to find the spot on the spot. I drilled holes that were over anywhere between 10-19 fow. The last hole finally put me over 19′ and this spot was holding a majority of the fish I caught. Today’s fish all fell to the Forage Minnow. Some fish would come in fast and hit the bait pretty good, but the majority of the fish had to be worked and then they would barely hit the jig. The action was just starting to get good and then the crowds started showing up
    Lately, I have just been hitting different areas for quick trips to see how things in the area are looking. So far this year, only one place has been slow, but that could just be the fish weren’t in that area yet.
    The ice in this area was 8″+ with some slushy areas but still good for foot travel.

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