Pool 8 Bluegills Putting”it” On

  • cade-laufenberg
    Winona,MN/La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 3667

    ..The feedbag that is..

    The bluegills that we found on pool 8 were agressive and would take just about any bait we put in front of them. It took a couple moves to find the right area, but once we did it was game on. Justin and I used Lindy Fatboys, Forage minnow spoons, the “gill pill” and especially diamond jigs to catch literally hundreds of fish today. I would roughly guess we had 150 fish each to the hole, and 30+ keepers each. The keeper bites required some patience, because the toads were mixed right in with the babys. I caught a few that I bet hatched the spring. Its so wierd when you can see right through their bodies We had a good time on our quest for the trophy bluegill. Although the 9-1/2″+ fish we were hoping to find eluded us, Justin still managed two whoppers that were in the 9″ range, and We each caught countless numbers of quality 8 to 8-3/4″ fish. The best producer by far for these brutes was a pink diamond jig tipped with a waxworm. We were fishing in anywhere from 4-1/2 to 10 feet of water, as we moved several different times catching more nice fish at every stop. These areas are channels that cut through heavy weeds where the fish roam throughout the day. You will have success pounding the bottom and raising it up about 1 foot. The come up and crush it usually.

    I’ll leave you with one thought. Please use selective harvest on your panfish. I witness day in and day out so many people, and often guys I see at the same places every weekend, keeping their limit of 6-7″ (or whatever else they can catch) bluegills and leaving as soon as they get their limit. That to me is called abusing the resource. I understand it is legal, and I could go off on how I think the limit should be less panfish, but I won’t right now. It’s up to us as sportsmen to keep middle class fish, let the big ones reproduce and let the little ones grow. This is just what I personally like to do. If everyone practiced like this I feel that in a short 4-6 years from now we would have even more phenomenal-more consistent fishing than we do now. With that Said, I kept 18 fish in the 7-1/2 to 8-1/2 range, and we caught another 40 or so keepers that we let live for today.
    we had 5-6″ of ice where we were fishing.

    good luck on that ice.

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