LaCrosse Area First Ice; Shallow Water Gills

  • amwatson
    Posts: 5130

    While I can’t lay claim to being the first on the ice this year, I can take solice in having the first ice report for our area
    After doing some checking on ice conditions earlier in the week, I knew it would only be a matter of days before some areas would allow foot travel. I started making my rounds and was getting pretty disappointed with the how slow the ice was actually forming. As I was driving up to the last spot to check, I thought I seen somebody on the ice through the trees so I gave the truck a little more gas so I could see if I was dreaming. Eureka!!!!!!! 3 guys were already on the ice and fishing. I quickly bailed out of the truck, grabbed the spud bar, and made my way to the ice. The ice was a minimum of 2″ and most areas were closer to 3″. This area was broken up ice and was stronger than the newer ice that was out a little farther.
    So, I jumped back in the truck and headed for home to get my gear. I made it back to the ice around 45 minutes later for the first ice outing of the year.
    The area I fished today is a well known community hole that produces gills, perch, crappies, and largemouth bass. The best ice is in the shallow water in the 3-4′ range. The area is a big flat with a ton of weeds growing. The trick here is to find a hole in the weeds and it may take several holes before you can find a spot. The fish travel between the weeds on basically fish highways. The weed provides cover as well as hold feed sources. The water here is still stained due to the constant wind we have been having. I did find some clear water, but could only get 1 fish. It appears they like the stained water at this time.
    Today’s fish all came on either a Forage Minnow or a Lil’ Cecil. These 2 jigs are my absolute best producers throughout the hard water season. Time and time again, these 2 jigs seem to produce consistently.
    I am not sure what is more fun, watching the MarCum light up with fish around the jig, or actually catching the fish. The anticipation grows when you see a bunch of marks heading to your jig and then turn bright red. I have attached a few pics of an average gill, a hole shot, and the 2 jigs I used today.

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