Building an Ice House

  • greg716
    Inver Grove Heights
    Posts: 319

    I am thinking about building an ice house to use up at Mille Lacs. I am thinking maybe 8′ by 14′ or maybe 16′. I would like to use it all year round, as a summer “cabin” and a winter shack. I am looking for any input anyone has to offer as far as tips, ideas, etc. I am confident in my abilities to build from the floor up, but I am looking for any input as far as flooring and runner systems. If I could afford the $2000 they want for a drop-down wheel frame, I’d go that way. But given the fact that I can get a real good deal on the door, windows, lighting and furnace, $2000 is about my entire budget. So any input at all would be greatly appreciated. I’d especially like to hear from any of the resort guys who move them around- what can I do to make it easier for you to be easier on my house! Hey, I know it’s June, but I want to start building in about 6 weeks…..

    South metro
    Posts: 194

    In my opinion, I wouldn’t waste my time building a house.
    If you want a house on Mile Lac. I would go shopping around there are tons of them for sale. Just check around at the resorts. I had a 14′ It was great for 1 or 2 guys. But it was cramped 16-18′ would be the way to go.

    Another thing to think about is how much it going to cost for usage. I was paying aroud 1200.oo a year for winter summer use. I ‘ve heard guys paying 1600.oo a year Over the course of five years you could own an wheel house and take it anywhere you like. Just some thig to think about.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22366

    Greg, whatever you do, go 10 feet wide. You’ll appreciate it later. Also, what the resorts like, is chains on both ends of the skids.

    big g

    New Brighton, MN
    Posts: 1107

    Greg, how are your plans coming along? Found anything yet?


    Inver Grove Heights
    Posts: 319

    UGH! Mortgage, kids, and an unexpected bathroom remodel have sidelined plans, again…… How in the world can a room that is only 60 square feet cost $2000 to re-do??? And I am doing it all myself! I can’t imagine what it would cost to pay a contractor!!!!! Anyway, I am still looking for stuff (shacks) for sale, and kicking around the idea of building, but it doesn’t seem likely for this year. A guy’s gotta dream, though, right?????
    My only hope is that by the time I can actually afford to do everything I want to do, I won’t be so old that I won’t want to do it anymore!

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