keeper size fish

  • stewart
    Posts: 2

    this is my first post here on ida. ive been reading alot of the posts, and it amazes me what people think of as a “slab”. when i was younger, we could go out and catch plenty of crappies over 12 and 13 inches. the biggest one ive caught was a 17″ 2 lb, 9oz. that was 13 years ago on lake onalaska through the ice. recently ive noticed that the avg. size of fish has been going down. im wondering how people think that by keeping the little fish (8 and 9 inchers) that they ever expect to catch something decent?
    im not naming names but a certian young ida member posts alot of pictures of “11” slabs. i don’t doubt that he catches some nice fish, but from alot of the pictures i see, those fish look pretty small. we still catch plenty of crappies over 13″ every year, but we have to walk alot farther than most people would ever think. i’m one of those guys that was brought up to be extremely tight lipped when it comes to fishing spots. the guys on this site share spots with others, and thats fine. but i just hope certian ida members never find where i fish. there i’m done rambleing. good fishing.

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926


    this is my first post here on ida.

    Are you sure? Are you being honest with all the good people here?

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    Actually, Stewart (AKA Johny Utah) you’re quite the little liar.

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    To come on here and think that we’re so stupid as to not catch you doing what you’re doing… which is basically talking to yourself while trying to give the impression that you are multiple people with the same gripe… is flatly dishonest.

    You, sir, have issues.

    Pillager, MN
    Posts: 621

    Well done detective.

    St Paul
    Posts: 2542

    Stewart AKA “Johnny Utah” you just got busted by the man……………..

    Fountain City, WI.
    Posts: 1608


    Actually, Stewart (AKA Johny Utah) you’re quite the little liar.


    Harmony, MN
    Posts: 173

    BUSTED………..Great Job James, this website way to good of a group of guys to have that around here. Thanks James

    Cedar, Min-E-So-Ta
    Posts: 1482

    I think Mr. Johny stewart Utah, it is time for you to just go away. Isn’t someone missing you on the playground right now…

    Calvin Svihel
    Northwest Metro, MN
    Posts: 3862


    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    I needed to give him long enough to hang himself. He was actually posting under 3 different accounts. His “this is my first post here on IDA” was the perfect opening.

    St Paul
    Posts: 2542

    Here comes the



    Posts: 547


    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Now that’s going to leave a mark.

    Dresbach, MN
    Posts: 7872

    Nice… maybe he can direct his frustrations towards IBM and Microsoft. I’m sure his computer and keyboard can be blamed for his poor grammar and spelling errors…

    cassville ,wis
    Posts: 3051

    Thanks for cleaning that up for us James Hope he stays off mommies computer from now on!

    Posts: 701


    this is my first post here on ida. ive been reading alot of the posts, and it amazes me what people think of as a “slab”. when i was younger, we could go out and catch plenty of crappies over 12 and 13 inches. the biggest one ive caught was a 17″ 2 lb, 9oz. that was 13 years ago on lake onalaska through the ice. recently ive noticed that the avg. size of fish has been going down. im wondering how people think that by keeping the little fish (8 and 9 inchers) that they ever expect to catch something decent?
    im not naming names but a certian young ida member posts alot of pictures of “11” slabs. i don’t doubt that he catches some nice fish, but from alot of the pictures i see, those fish look pretty small. we still catch plenty of crappies over 13″ every year, but we have to walk alot farther than most people would ever think. i’m one of those guys that was brought up to be extremely tight lipped when it comes to fishing spots. the guys on this site share spots with others, and thats fine. but i just hope certian ida members never find where i fish. there i’m done rambleing. good fishing.

    Many people remember the “good ol’ days” when, in fact, they weren’t that great or even worse than now.

    By the way, I have caught crappie (plural, not singular) over 18″ so if it’s a “who’s bigger” contest I’m willing if you are. That by the way doesn’t make me special, just someone who used to fish Kirwin in Kansas during the heyday.

    Lots of people like solitude and peace when they fish, you sound like this type of person. I myself am that way at times, I love going up to Ontario or somewhere and disappearing a few times a year – literally. I respect you for that. But at the same time the person on an island doesn’t learn new techniques, find new equipment or make new friends. For most there is a balance.

    I’ve been where you are and seen my frustration grow with certain aspects of the Internet. At least on this site we ask people to register and be respectful.

    I hope you choose a name and stick with it and become a part of the “IDA Family”. The people I’ve met from here like Wade, Luke, Mike, and Brian are generous and kind to a fault. I know I myself love to help other anglers do better and be more successful whether that’s advice on how to fish or where to go. That really is part of our mission here.

    I doubt that hardly anyone here hasn’t posted under various aliases on some website at some time so I really don’t hold that against you as much as some others have said.

    Whatever you decide, know that this site isn’t the cause of any of your problems. But it could be the source of new friends and knowledge.

    prescot wi
    Posts: 159

    some people just dont get it

    Sioux City IA
    Posts: 3974

    James, that was cool! “My name is Bond, James Bond”

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Todd I almost agree with your post entirly…

    I know he’ll be welcome back with open arms…once he grows up a bit.

    He might want to change his display name though.

    Posts: 711

    wow! this technolagy stuff is really scary so i might as well come clean right now before i get busted. i’m not really who i say i am, i’m only who i really am

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Slack, by what you are doing for the Brandon Rolen Foundation…I don’t care how many personalities you have!

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    Guys… this thread was started under false pretenses and nothing we add from here on really gets us anywhere. I’m going to lock these up and we can get back to talking fishing.

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