Jiffy versus Strikemaster

  • raapala
    Eau Claire, WI
    Posts: 184

    Have a friend debating between augers, jiffy legend lightning versus strikemaster mag x-press (8″ on both). He thinks the strikemaster would be a smoother cut but has concerns about the plastic handles and throttle. Anyone have any opinions or advantages/disadvantages? Thanks in advance!

    Albertville MN
    Posts: 2019

    Heres what its going to come down to in the end, (which is true)

    1)They’re both very good augers.
    2)Strikemaster’s service cannot be beat
    3)The composite handles are great(not just plastic)

    Then many people will say “I’ve had this brand for this long with no problems.”

    Truth is he’ll be happy with either. If someone made me buy a jiffy and I wanted a Strikemaster,…I’d get the 2 horse Stealth STX.
    But I’m pretty partial to my Strikemaster’s LMXPress

    Calvin Svihel
    Northwest Metro, MN
    Posts: 3862

    Strikemaster blades are shavin blades while Jiffy has chipper blades, sometimes more rough when finishing off a hole!!

    Like Matt mentioned I am sure that your friend will be happy with either auger! Just posting some differences!!!

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    I’m an old Strikemaster fan from way back, so keep this in mind. I have not used a jiffy that was made in the last 5 years, so my expierence is with the old tanks. I mean heavy and bullet proof, however the 3HP motors were touchy. I’m guessing the new 2HP stealth’s run much better.

    I got to use the new 224 from strikemaster this past weekend, I thought the lazer mag cut nice. Holy buckets does this new blade configuration will eat through the ice at an alarming rate. My experience with Strikmaster’s service is also second to none. Had a throttle cable break on one about 8 – 9 years ago when I lived in SD. Called them up, shipped me a new one, no questions asked. Definitely out of warranty.

    Twin Cities
    Posts: 2946

    Its a chevy/ford debate.. both are going to be reasonably reliable and drill holes.

    I dont have anything against Jiffy, but I have owned strikemasters for a long time and the customer service will keep my business. Anything from a blown block, to repitching the auger has cost me nothing.. even on a 15 year old auger.

    Fast cutting and light weight. Great overall performance, and customer service.

    Posts: 5130

    I owned a Strike Master Mag 2000. It ran like a champ and cut awesome. The only thing I didn’t like was I went with a 10″ That is a monster hole I then sold it, but now I have a different model. I have limited experience with the new Jiffy augers so I won’t even try to speak about them

    Posts: 95

    I recently sold my Jiffy legend 8 inch and bought a lazer mag 8 inch. I was really happy with the jiffy, and never thought I’d switch, but it got to be too heavy. I couldn’t be happier with strike master. I didn’t think anything could as fast as the jiffy, but I stand corrected.

    On the water- Minnesota
    Posts: 5022


    I recently sold my Jiffy legend 8 inch and bought a lazer mag 8 inch. I was really happy with the jiffy, and never thought I’d switch, but it got to be too heavy. I couldn’t be happier with strike master. I didn’t think anything could as fast as the jiffy, but I stand corrected.

    Was the Jiffy you sold a Stealth?

    Posts: 102

    Personally- I wouldn’t own a Jiffy. They are heavy, and I have heard complaints about them being cold-blooded. I watched an ice fishing show the other day, and the Jiffy they were using killed in the middle of drilling their hole. HOWEVER- I have also heard very good things about Jiffys. Best advice I have to give is find someone that has a Jiffy, and find someone that has a Strikemaster, and give them both a try- you’ll decide for yourself firsthand which you like better.

    Lake Minnetonka area
    Posts: 233

    It was a 3 horse legend not a stelth about 6 years old ran like a champ but I will have to second the weight factor but I did not mind I just made cweb cut all the holes I walked behind with the Vex checking for fish.

    Sparta, WI
    Posts: 9361

    I am partial to the Jiffy. I have had a 2hp 8 inch for many years and never had a problem. It is one of the first Jiffy’s to come out with the thumb controlled throttle to give you an idea of how long I have been using it. The only maintenance it has required is changing the plug. I would love to get a new Stealth but have no reason to with the way my Jiffy still runs. I can honestly say, my Jiffy has been put to the test over the years and has never failed me yet!
    For a older model 2hp. It doesn’t weigh tidally compared to the other gear I haul around

    Northeast Iowa, Randalia
    Posts: 1536

    I have owned the Strikemaster Lazer for approx. 8 years. All I have done to it was put in a new plug this year, some slight carb adjustment, and fishing the auger part out of the bottom of a pond. When I went back to fish out the auger I used my broter in-laws Eskimo auger and it worked very well also. My opinion is, just like all products, you will have some lemons. Either auger will drill holes to fish out of, and make it easier to drill.


    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18981

    I’m a long time Jiffy owner but cannot tell you about their cusotmer service since I have never had to contact them………….

    On the water- Minnesota
    Posts: 5022


    I’m a long time Jiffy owner but cannot tell you about their cusotmer service since I have never had to contact them………….

    Good one..

    Posts: 95

    I bought a Jiffy Legend 7 years ago.
    There was an issue with the jet that was too small. The swaped it out free of charge 5 years after I bought it.
    I though it was something else & when I called they told me of the issue & they fixed for nothing.
    I’m still on the same blade.
    I live up in n.mn.& we see ice 3-almost 4 feet thick.
    I do have an extention when the ice does get thick & I’ve never had a problem due to lack of power or tranny problems.
    I love my Jiffy!

    Bruce Barnum
    Posts: 178

    Strikemaster by far is the best for the mobile angler!

    Sparta, WI
    Posts: 9361

    You should wipe that thing, looks like you caught a cold

    On the water- Minnesota
    Posts: 5022


    Strikemaster by far is the best for the mobile angler!

    Does the Strikemasters come with wheels?

    Posts: 102



    Strikemaster by far is the best for the mobile angler!

    Does the Strikemasters come with wheels?

    Nope- only half the weight to lug around

    On the water- Minnesota
    Posts: 5022

    Lazer 224 8 ” 2 HP 26 #’s

    Jiffy 2 HP 8 ” Stealth 30# ‘s

    Posts: 102

    My Strike Lite- 20#s

    On the water- Minnesota
    Posts: 5022

    Does your leak oil, hard to start in cold weather? And not very good in ice over 15 inches?

    Posts: 102

    No, no, no. Mine is new- around 50 holes so far, but am still very satisfied with my decision to buy. Weight was a big concern of mine when I bought it, and the Strike Lite has met all my expectations. Like I told him earlier, he needs to borrow one of each and decide which ones best for him, he very well might like Jiffys better

    Posts: 95


    Lazer 224 8 ” 2 HP 26 #’s

    Jiffy 2 HP 8 ” Stealth 30# ‘s

    I tried a stealth the other day.

    I loved it.

    I’m getting a new one and the stealth is the one.

    So when I want to run & gun,I’ll have the stealth.

    Blew through the ice like a dream.

    When I’m at URL with 48″ of ice the Legend will be with me.I love the power that extra horse gives me.oh oh oh more power!

    Posts: 94

    Strikemaster !!!

    I’ve been a Strikemaster fan for 9 years now. I have fished with family members and friends who were die hard Jiffy. A good friend of mine has a newer Stealth and you couldn’t give it to me. There are several reasons why I stick with Strikemaster…

    1) Quieter! (one of the main reasons )
    2) Lighter
    3) Faster
    4) best Customer service
    5) Awesome dependability!!!

    My current auger is a Strikemaster MAGIII that I put a Lazer bit on 4 years ago. The auger drills very fast and I have never had a problem with it.

    Nothing wrong with either company. I am just stating my opinion.

    Good fishing,

    Corey Bechtold

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1394

    I run a 224 and I really like it. I have never run a Jiffy. It is a lighter machine which makes a big difference when you drill 50-100 holes a day.

    Quieter? The only thing I can compare it to is the rappy 3hp Jiffy’s (BIG difference….those things are noisy) but I don’t know about the 2hp Jiffy machines.

    Best customer service? I’m not sure since I haven’t had to contact them yet.

    Dependable? YES! I can count on it to start in no more than three pulls on the COLDEST day.

    Faster? I have never raced anything before. Right now I would probably lose since I have had the same blades for 2 seasons but it still cuts really great and fast in my opinion. The only thing I am not looking forward to is replacing the blades since they aren’t cheap. I’m guessing I’ll get at least one more season out of them before I change…..and that’s a LOT of holes!

    Chris Low

    mn Dodge co.
    Posts: 1133

    I tried to get Chris to race me one night at ChesterWoods.I Got A lazer mag.
    Looks like I’ll have to wait 2 yrs now if he don’t buy new ones Doug

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1394

    Doug even with new blades I wouldn’t be able to match your drilling skills

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