Posts: 8

    I’m very upset with with alot of you guys. I know its open for every one to use so I’ll do the same. I’m not going to say some of my hot spots are hard to get to or even very secret. I have been fishing my favorite spot for about 9 years. Theres only been one other old man thats been fishing there longer that I know of. And as of now I dont like to go there because of you guys and I havnt seen my buddie the old man for some time. I belive this website killed that spot. Yah theres still fish there but it will never be the same. So all I have to say is thanks for making fishing there no fun.
    Johny Utah

    New Richmond, WI
    Posts: 1359


    I’m very upset with with alot of you guys. I know its open for every one to use so I’ll do the same. I’m not going to say some of my hot spots are hard to get to or even very secret. I have been fishing my favorite spot for about 9 years. Theres only been one other old man thats been fishing there longer that I know of. And as of now I dont like to go there because of you guys and I havnt seen my buddie the old man for some time. I belive this website killed that spot. Yah theres still fish there but it will never be the same. So all I have to say is thanks for making fishing there no fun.
    Johny Utah

    Might be best if you told us EXACTLY what spot/lake/etc you’re talking about, GPS coordinates would be best… that way, we could all chime in as to whether we thought the spot was still good or not

    Le Center
    Posts: 612

    Maybe finding a new spot will be fun, or maybe we could just say that spot is off limits to everyone but you, whatever it takes to keep you happy.

    Lakes and rivers are public…DEAL WITH IT!

    Oh Yea, and welcome to IDA, look forward to reading your reports.

    LaCrosse WI
    Posts: 2972

    Well sir….if your spot was not secret how ,pray tell, did anyone on this site “ruin” it ??
    I am truely sorry about you not seeing your old friend anymore…good fish’in friends are hard to find….but to just up and blame anyone here is not right…
    Stick around (by the way-welcome),you’ll find there are a bunch of good people here.

    Waterloo, IA and Hager City Wi.
    Posts: 674

    Finally, another use for my troll picture! Nice first post!

    Bob Bowman
    Posts: 3550

    I guess if fishing is not fun anymore we should expect to see a bunch of gear in the classifieds soon

    cassville ,wis
    Posts: 3051

    Exactly where is this spot,I could always use another place to fish

    cassville ,wis
    Posts: 3051


    Finally, another use for my troll picture! Nice first post!


    Posts: 8

    Oh I know the rivers and lakes are public. But its just the principal. I hardly ever go to the “shanty-towns” I go to new spots and I find fish. But when I find my fish I dont go and tell everyone about the fish I catch. And I know I dont own the fish either.

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370


    I belive this website killed that spot.

    How did this site do that??? Did this site give out the coordinates to that spot??? Could it have been word of mouth and /or people seeing you catch fish that got your spot noticed/crowded??? Just curious how and why you linked this site to the cause of your problem??

    Sorry to hear about your buddy and your spot. Welcome to IDA Johny Utah.

    Woodbury, MN
    Posts: 1039

    Cedar, Min-E-So-Ta
    Posts: 1482

    Oooooo, yer gettin layed into. Bummer about your spot, I have lost a few in my short life. Guess that is what keeps me going looking for something new. Good luck finding another place that has any fish, from what I have seen lately on this site all the good spots are already taken.

    Residing in St. Paul, MN doing weekly travel throughout the five state Upper Midwest
    Posts: 976

    WOW, I have no idea what to say………..
    Sorry about your fishin’ buddy.
    Welcome to the IDA family!
    Hopefully your search for a new fishing spot will be as enjoyable as camping out on the old one.
    Good luck either way, relish your time spent in the great outdoors

    Waterloo, IA and Hager City Wi.
    Posts: 674

    Sandbar, are those trolls or dwarves? wouldn’t want to saddle an otherwise inoffensive mythical creature with a bad rap!

    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12317

    Johny, you will have to excuse some of the guys having a little fun at your expense. It is hard to gauge the seriousness of your claim when you do not include a description of yourself or location in your Bio. It is hard to tell if you are serious or not. By virtue of you being here on IDA, I expect you have benefited by advice from many others. The Staff here is very critical and aware of identifying spots exact locations. In many cases, you get the lake name only if even that!
    If you have a particular complaint, send me a PM. You can click on my user name, and click the “Send Private Message” option. If there is something that I can help you with, I will.

    Montrose Mn
    Posts: 2101

    Take it easy guys. There’s obviously more to this story than the post. IDA has always been a place where people can feel at home. Tke it easy on him.

    This kind of picking will travel far faster than the alternative. Lets keep the IDA name clean.

    St Paul
    Posts: 2542

    Welcome to IDA JOHNY UTAH

    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12317

    No more on this.
    Johny Utah, please contact me regarding this. Click the flashing envelope on your screen.

    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12317

    I have opened this back up for Johny to get his point across. He has a concern. If this stays civil, I will let it go so he can get resolution to his concern. Please treat him with respect, and let him get across what is eating him. I do recommend giving him some positive options. Fact is, fishing in some areas is more popular, and a hot bite can draw more attention to a spot. Fact is, before IDA we would all go into the bait shop, or pick up the phone and call all of our buddies about good bites and areas. The internet is an easy target because a lot more people can eaves drop on the conversation!
    Let Johny have his say…

    Bemidji, MN
    Posts: 154

    i am hear to listen, and i will give any input i can, hopefully it will help

    Stillwater, MN
    Posts: 1500

    Hopefully you get some new spots or ways of fishing by reading this site. I have had very good experiences with this site…over the years I have had many good spots go away by word of mouth and others seeing me catching fish. Try fishing on a pond by a road and see all the others start to fish a pond with little fish. I do this for a good laugh. Eventually all spots change and do not do as well and other places get better.

    I wish I could have posted on here sooner but I have been really busy with my new business. Over all these guys are great. I talk to them on the water and really enjoy OUR website. And yes OUR is every active member on this site. Thank you to the staff for looking out for everyone.
    Good luck and enjoy hunting for a new spot.
    Also thanks Chris for opening it back up so Utah can share more on this post.

    South Metro
    Posts: 6057

    Thanks Chris!!!
    Very well said!

    St Francis, MN
    Posts: 2100

    Ditto here! Johnny, I hope you have lurked long enough to know that this thread is not the “norm” around here. I think maybe the number count of posts in your profile may have lead others to believe that you were throwing this out there just for them to jump on.

    I can’t apologize for others’ behaviors… But I will apologize for what seems like an unwanted welcome.

    Please share with us more information regarding this issue. Though, all may be lost on this spot, I know that there are many IDA’ers in WI (if that is where you are from) that would be more than happy to share a spot of theirs with you.

    Again, warmest welcomes and good tidings and all that to you!!! Feel free to PM me if you have any questions!

    To those that did the jumping:

    LaCrosse WI
    Posts: 2972

    Good call Chris

    civility allways is the best way……

    I too am wondering why he blamed us specifically….

    Posts: 813

    I guess my biggest question is where are we talking about? This forum gets dominated by the guys in the Lax, WI area, myself included in that. I think some info here would clear things up a lot.

    New Richmond, WI
    Posts: 1359

    Hey Johny… if you’re new to this site, don’t take the quips and jabs personally… remember, a lot of ‘outdoorsmen’ have a dry, sarcastic sense of humor. That comes from too much time alone, on a boat, sitting in a tree stand, walking through a field, constantly bombarded by solar particles, beta and gamma rays, ultraviolet light while eating salty pieces of dessicated striated muscle, drinking beverages made from rotting grains…

    On the flip side, most of them also would give their shirt off their back to help out someone in need and many if not all of them cherish the outdoors and natural resources. For many, they get as much or more joy out of helping another enjoy the outdoors than just about anything else. That’s probably why you got bashed pretty good… I would bet all of the people that use this site (maybe a few exceptions ) get satisfaction from helping out and feel insulted when someone posts something like you did, accusing ‘us’ of ruining a fishing spot and your enjoyment of the sport.

    If you see a post that you think has a bit too much info, go ahead and shoot a PM to the poster – let him/her know what you think!

    As to losing a spot, gotta remember that’s gonna happen no-matter-what. Secrets cannot be kept. Good spots are found by others as well. People are going to talk. I’m a relative newcomer to fishing (really just started in ’04) but I’ve found the discovering of a ‘new spot’ to be just as much if not more rewarding than landing some biggies at an old spot…

    Anyway, a bit long winded — welcome to the site and chill a bit…

    Posts: 8

    Yah I dont anythings personal its all good. The only thing that realy bothers me is when guys show up and start harassing my friends for fishing in an open hole away from other people that its their hole and they think they own it. Then to make things worse they start keeping dink 7″ crappies and smaller bluegills. I know everyone likes to eat fish but if we all start keeping the little ones in dew time thats all we are going to be catching are little ones. “LET THEM GO SO THEY CAN GROW” is all I would like to see out on the river.

    Winona,MN/La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 3667

    Hey man, I’m with Belgian..Where are you located? hopefully I am not the cause of your problem. I am not overly secretive about my spots but do not give away spots to random strangers. And usually just community holes that are good but not always consistant
    I have to tell you one thing, Even if you lost your favorite spot, chances are, sticking with IDA will lead you to a new spot that is better, a new technique that will allow you to find a better spot, or you will meet one of these extensively genuine human beings and learn a lot from them!

    Good luck with the fishing and hope you have good expereinces on IDA..

    West Salem,WI
    Posts: 211

    Yah,I agree,let em go,etc.I love fishin alone,and hate anybody fishin my spotsBut there’s 52,0000000 of us on any given lake at any time.What I love about the people on this sight is they love catchin fish, and the majority either let em go or keep enough for the pan.They’re all willin to share their good times and bad.I’ve learned more stuff about fishin just checkin out the posts.There’s still plenty of hidey holes if one takes the time.Believe me,stayin pissed only raises your blood pressure.Good luck,and have fun.

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