Hey Johny… if you’re new to this site, don’t take the quips and jabs personally… remember, a lot of ‘outdoorsmen’ have a dry, sarcastic sense of humor. That comes from too much time alone, on a boat, sitting in a tree stand, walking through a field, constantly bombarded by solar particles, beta and gamma rays, ultraviolet light while eating salty pieces of dessicated striated muscle, drinking beverages made from rotting grains… 
On the flip side, most of them also would give their shirt off their back to help out someone in need and many if not all of them cherish the outdoors and natural resources. For many, they get as much or more joy out of helping another enjoy the outdoors than just about anything else. That’s probably why you got bashed pretty good… I would bet all of the people that use this site (maybe a few exceptions
) get satisfaction from helping out and feel insulted when someone posts something like you did, accusing ‘us’ of ruining a fishing spot and your enjoyment of the sport.
If you see a post that you think has a bit too much info, go ahead and shoot a PM to the poster – let him/her know what you think!
As to losing a spot, gotta remember that’s gonna happen no-matter-what. Secrets cannot be kept. Good spots are found by others as well. People are going to talk. I’m a relative newcomer to fishing (really just started in ’04) but I’ve found the discovering of a ‘new spot’ to be just as much if not more rewarding than landing some biggies at an old spot…
Anyway, a bit long winded — welcome to the site and chill a bit…