Thursday night I thought I found a honey hole, after one and almost a half tins (waxies) later I had 9 nice gills and released a lot of watch fobs within 2hrs Not bad for running to a spot after work. I also kept 4 not so big crappies due to the fact they were inhaling a Purple Lil Cecil to the gills
After one fun night why not go for 2 in a row Mike C joined me and we set up in the same spot. We are fishing submerged wood in 11fow. With a stiff 200mph wind (it felt that way)
I believe my trap was gaining lift
The fish were still around showing up on the MarCum’s with only some small ones biting on the light side. The wind was of no help
Mike C even caught a couple very short eyes just before dark. It was a tough bite but a good night sippin’ suds with a friend and holding down the tent
See what tomorrow brings. Good luck on the ice if you get out this weekend