
  • amwatson
    Posts: 5130

    It just dawned on me that you were talking about this post
    Well, I guess all I can say is I did what was best for the site. I enjoy fishing with people and letting them in on a great bite in my area. In this case, it had nothing to do with a great day of fishing. It was more on the side of respect for the resources which I didn’t see in that area. I made the post and am not ashamed or one little bit sorry for doing so.
    Maybe someday we can fish in the same area and I would be glad to drill a few holes for you to fish in

    Posts: 8

    Blaming IDA members not so much others who just read yah i know alot of people just read and not share or talk. thats the reason I came on today. just to speak my mind and plus ill start sharing how the fish bit and what works i have no problem in doing that.

    Posts: 1025

    We look forward to your reports and hope you can take somthing from ours

    Posts: 5130

    You hit it right on the head there Johny Believe me, I know how you feel. A few years ago, a post was made about a great fishing area with an unreal bite. Within days, the area was flooded with people and the fishing dropped off to non-existant. That was before I knew better than to actually say the exact area. Since then, myself and many others on here are very careful about givingexact details. There are a lot of people who only read and take information, but are not willing to share their ideas or tips. There probably isn’t a person on here who has not felt the way you are feeling right now.
    IDA was built on sharing and meeting new friends while fishing, hunting, or just about anything else. We would like to see you stick around and be part of the IDA family. It is a great place to learn and share ideas. Heck, I have more and better friends since joining this site than I have in my 34 years. So,I would like to welcome you to IDA and hope you stick around

    LaCrosse WI
    Posts: 2972

    Good enough Johny..
    We’ll see ya out there soon…..
    BTW …..you could always come out to the GTG out by Schaffer’s on the lake this saturday and meet some IDA’ers…..
    I know I’m looking forward to it

    LaCrosse, WI
    Posts: 3

    you pepole make much ado about nothing regarding sheephead.worry more about taking undersized panfish that never had achance to spawn.as far as taking home large fish ,that what they are for if your hungry.you dont see farmers cutting down their crops before they are ripe do you , would be very smart.taking home small fish is like a cattle farmer eating all of his heifer calves,no young stock left but if he eats a couple cows, he is in good shape.if you guys are in an area with small fish,don,t use a bait with a treble hook, only common sense to try and keep next generation alive.fish populations are like crops,only they are much more fun.

    Posts: 721

    They taste a lot like walleye. I have even seen them for sale at cub foods.

    Let em go they dont do any harm and are very fun to catch.

    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603

    Leaving wanton waste to rot up our environment, no matter the species, is not making a mountain out of an ant hill. It’s ethically wrong and environmentally reckless. Not to mention, against the law. If I ever encounter this, I’m callin’ the authorities and defending the integrity of law abiding sportsmen everywhere. Heck, if leaving fish to rot isn’t a big deal, let’s go back to throwing all our trash along the highways and dumping other forms of sewage into the riverways…….. no biggy.

    Sparta, WI
    Posts: 9361


    you dont see farmers cutting down their crops before they are ripe do you , would be very smart.taking home small fish is like a cattle farmer eating all of his heifer calves,no young stock left but if he eats a couple cows

    Your analogy has nothing to do with bag or size limits set be the DNR
    If your concerned that the river is being over harvested your beef is with the DNR not IDA!
    You guys will never get me to believe IDA is killing your fishery. If nothing else, IDA has helped with a lot of people here donating time to help clubs and such by lending a hand with projects that are set out to help the fishery. With all the time spent complaining maybe more should be helping however they can in the community with such projects as the River Cleanup and more.
    As mentioned before, there are givers and there are takers. I believe IDA is heavy on the giving side

    Posts: 2

    you refer to the fishery as “your” fishery. i don’t think anyone thinks of the fishery as our own. i think popper has a valid point in regards to his crops. heres another one, when deer hunting, do you shoot the first little buck that walks by? i don’t, i try to let him get bigger. am i the only one that sees the avg. size of fish getting smaller? as far as the bag limits set by the dnr, they are a joke. they should lower the bag limits.

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926


    you refer to the fishery as “your” fishery. i don’t think anyone thinks of the fishery as our own. i think popper has a valid point in regards to his crops. heres another one, when deer hunting, do you shoot the first little buck that walks by? i don’t, i try to let him get bigger. am i the only one that sees the avg. size of fish getting smaller? as far as the bag limits set by the dnr, they are a joke. they should lower the bag limits.

    Guys… before anyone gives this guy one more second of serious consideration… please read this post >>> Who is Johny Utah?

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010


    Branded, marked with a coward’s shame,
    What do you do when you’re branded,
    Will you fight for your name?”

    Le Center
    Posts: 612

    I’ve been saving this one for just the right spot :rotflmao:

    Posts: 1

    Guys… before anyone gives this guy one more second of serious consideration… please read this post >>> Who is Johny Utah?

    Hey James Holst
    you are way wrong about stewart and Johny Utah. Now Jonny Utah and Johny Utah are the same guy because IDA wont let me sign in so I had to make a new name. Not really happy about that whole situation of making a new name. But I will just to be back on here. First of all I came on here just to share my unhappyness with everyone not to fight. But you guys wanted to fight and I was the calm one. Yah me and Stewart have the same Poster’s ID. Dont you think that we just live together. Kinda funny about that. Two different people with the same views about things. Just because we are room mates, you dont need to shut us down. I thought we were all men here. But if roommates share a common thought maybe everyone else should see that something is wrong with the idea.

    On water
    Posts: 817

    I’m confused? You made up a new name but your roomate also has a name that uses that same user name too?

    Posts: 5130

    No, he changed his previous user name slightly and made a new account. His “roommate” also has a user account under a different name.

    Posts: 2

    This post is for James. Just because you are part of the IDA I don’t think it is appropriate for you to be putting IP address out for the public to see. Yes these guys do live together and I think that it is funny that you thought that one person was trying to be conniving by using a different login name. Lets not start putting out info that shouldn’t be open to the public out for everybody to see.

    Posts: 5130

    IP addresses are not top secret You guys got quite the little “band of brothers” going trying to discredit something that has done so much more good than bad.

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    And James says… too bad. I couldn’t care less what you think.

    Posts: 2

    I know most of the people in this site wouldn’t know what to do with a ip address or what they even stand for. Just because you guys have access to know what this is used for doesn’t mean you need to be giving it out. I don’t see this in anybodys profile so why do you think you would need to make it public.

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    I took your concerns under careful consideration. Here’s what I think.

    Posts: 1767

    I vote lock it down. Let it go away.

    Calvin Svihel
    Northwest Metro, MN
    Posts: 3862

    I second that motion!!!!

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    And locked it is.

    The only question now is where on Pool 8 will be be holding next year’s Winter Get Together.

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