tuff day on the ice

  • smaders06
    Posts: 70

    today kyle and I went out to Lake Neshonic
    we i gotten out there and after about 30 min of setting up we finally got into the shantey. After about 2:30 hours we only had 2 bites.
    We decided to try another spot
    once we got there we set up the shantey. About and hour later Kyle got a nice size croppie. About 20 min later another. Then it was time to leave

    It was a tough day on the ice but it was worth it.
    (we will have pictures of kyles croppie on later)

    Winona,MN/La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 3667

    Had the same results in La Crosse Although we did get into some good crappie action later in the day. glad to hear you caught a couple nice ones

    Posts: 56

    Ya thats great you guys got out. I wish i could of been there but i had to ref.

    La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 399

    Well kyle it didnt sound like you and chris had the same as luck as me and you but i herd down at Genona they’ve been slatering the Walleyes and Saugers…

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