red lake report

  • mnfishhunt
    Brooklyn Park, MN
    Posts: 529

    well I made it up to red lake last wednesday and thursday and didn’t do to bad at all a grand total of 4 crappies (14″+) a 15″ and 16.5″ walleye to take home and about a dozen perch with the smallest at 9.5″ not too bad in my eyes for the cold weather and not being able to move around much either way it was a blast and fun fishing however I will say that a pike kept comeing in however I could not get it to bit at all it all started wednesday night after I got set up with the first crappie 5 min after droping a line then for the next 2 hours it was a fish ever half hour 3 crappies then a walleye hit and the crappie bite was done for the night and even the walleyes slowed down after that too. then in the morning I watched a lot of walleyes and perch on the cam but they were all locked jaw, I couldn’t even get them to look at my bait finnally it slowed down and then a pike came into view and same thing with no intrest to my baits oh well I ended the night with another crappie and a couple more walleyes before I got too cold and headed home. maybe next time I will have to look into a rental instead of just my portable

    North Metro
    Posts: 539

    I was up Fri till sun and ended up with 8 slabs and 30 plus eyes, cold but tons of fun. Cant wait to return.

    Central MN
    Posts: 3817

    I will be on Red Thursday night-Sunday night. I always dread the first trip of the year because of all the work it takes to hunt down a new school of fish. But, once you get on them it is sure worth it.

    Congrats on the nice slabs guys

    Minnesoat, Hopkins
    Posts: 25

    Need some help with Red Lake. I have never been there. (Let me know if this should be posted some place different)
    I am going up for a long weekend the 2nd weekend in March. 3-4 of us
    2 snowmobiles
    2 portables
    and 3 days
    Plan: Rent a 4 man house, stay on the ice all three days (maybe come in for a beer and meet some locals) and move around with the portables. Find fish, have a great time.

    Who to rent from?
    Any sugestions to my plan?
    Area to start on the lake?

    St Paul
    Posts: 2542

    Check out Russ and Judy’s under the URL forum. They rent sleepers that are very nice and warm! During the week they are $135 per night! Not per person. The house I stayed in was a 4 bunker with 8 holes and a 2 burner cook stove.

    Pretty darn nice if you ask me. Plus Russ likes to have a couple of beers with the guys

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