wst side roads

  • deerwoody
    Posts: 285

    Any west side resorts on the pond have a road to 8 mile,I have been pretty faithful to the east side so far this year.Any info would be appreciated!!

    Sartell Eye Guy
    Sartell, MN
    Posts: 624

    This info is from Sunday so it’s probably out of date but my fishin buddy was out to 8 mile Sunday. He went out of the casino access and the heave that runs from Indian point to Shermans was bad (3′ of open water), had a lot of trouble getting back. I’m not sure if Eddys has it bridged or not?? You might need to go further north to get east. He was on an ATV. I plan on being out there this weekend also, he did very well. Good luck, Adam

    Isle Mn
    Posts: 953

    call rockman at rocky reef, he will know!

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