Jan. 18 & 21 gill report

  • ozzyky
    On water
    Posts: 817

    With teaching and grad. class I haven’t had as much time as I would have liked the last few weeks but after reading Derek’s article about catching gills at night I thought I would dabble with that idea a little bit. On Thursday night we were set up by about 5:00 and the bite for gills was hot until we left at 7. Size 10 & 12 tear drops were the ticket and color or model style didn’t matter. These gills were on the feed. I never had really tried for gills at night and for my first attempt doing so, I had a blast. The fish would not even show up on the screen to start. I would put my bait about 6 inches from the bottom and by paying close attention to my sonar (vexilar FL8 ) I would notice a fish come off the bottom and my sonar would get extremely red by my bait, but my slip bobber wouldn’t even move. (This is where Dereks advice came in handy.) I just gently lift up and fish on! No feel of this fish biting through my rod or bobber at all. We caught about 100 gills on both nites. Sun. we got on the water earlier but the bite was still hot. These gills were absolute pigs. 3/4 of the fish caught were between 8 1/2 to 9 3/4 inches. My biggest was close to 10 which I will have to submit to Luke for the IDA contest. Thanks for the good read Derek!

    Here’s some photos of a few of the gills we caught. Since there is alot of run off (w/ tons of pesticides and fertilizers) that goes into the body of water we were fishing we threw all the fish back. (Maybe that’s why there so big!)

    On water
    Posts: 817

    Sorry, I still haven’t figured out how to get these photos in bigger when I downsize them in photobucket.

    On water
    Posts: 817

    I’ll just submit 1 more since I can’t get them to upload in larger. They are either too big to upload and when I downsize them I can’t get them any larger. Sorry guys. I kept three of them that were over 9 3/4 for a little wall mount.

    On water
    Posts: 817

    Had a much more humbling night last night. The bite was still going on but the size wasn’t there. I only caught a hand full of fish in the 8-9 inch range w/ only one going a little over 9. All the slabs that I had been catching were replaced w/ dinks. As for the nite bite for gills….it was still taking place but at a much slower pace. The bigger gills were caught from 6:00-6:30. Fished from 5:00-6:30 but as I mentioned earlier only a hand full of decent gills. The quantity was still there though.

    Ellsworth, Wisconsin
    Posts: 17

    hey i was just wondering what lake you were fishing for the gills on. I finally got some time between school and wrestling to go this weekend and i was just wondering

    On water
    Posts: 817

    Same pic as above but I was able to resize it.


    hey i was just wondering what lake you were fishing for the gills on. I finally got some time between school and wrestling to go this weekend and i was just wondering

    The fish were caught on the ice and hooked in the mouth. Okay…Sorry for being a smart a$$, but the body of water they were caught on is spring fed and only about 3/4 of an acre so I rather not say because this place is kind of off the radar and could get depleted in a hurry.

    Good luck

    Ellsworth, Wisconsin
    Posts: 17

    thats alright i was just wondering since we’re both from Ellsworth and I know who you are but it isn’t no big deal thanks for letting me see the pictures though

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